Friday, 10 November 2017

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Neljä vaarallisinta sanoa sijoittaa Jos olette jatkossakin ostamaan osakkeita koko elämäsi ajan, sinun pitäisi toivottaa hinnanalennukset keinoksi lisätä kantoja edullisemmin omaan portfolioeseesi. Jos joku, joka markkinoi aktiivisesti sijoittajia, on kuin soittaja Joku, joka toistuvasti harjoittaa yhden yön, on romanttinen. Jos et ole halukas omistaa varastossa 10 vuotta, älä edes ajattele omistat sitä 10 minuuttia. Walt Street on ainoa paikka, jossa ihmiset ratsastavat Rolls Royce Saada neuvoja niiltä, ​​jotka ottavat metroa. En koskaan yrittänyt tehdä rahaa osakemarkkinoilla, kun ostan sen oletuksen, että he voisivat sulkea markkinat seuraavana päivänä ja olla avaamatta sitä uudelleen viiden vuoden ajan. Jos aiemmin oli kaikki, Peli, rikkaimmat ihmiset olisivat kirjastonhoitajia. Yritystoiminnassa taustapeili on aina selkeämpi kuin tuulilasi. Suosikki tilanjakso on ikuisesti. Liikekoulut palkitsevat vaikean monimutkaisen käyttäytymisen enemmän kuin yksinkertainen käyttäytyminen, mutta yksinkertainen käyttäytyminen Tai on tehokkaampaa. Yritämme pelätä pelkästään, kun toiset ovat ahneita ja ahneita vain, kun toiset pelkäävät. Markkinoiden kuplat eivät kasva ohuesta ilmasta. Heillä on vankka perusta todellisuudessa, mutta todellisuus vääristy väärin En tiedä, olin ihminen ennen kuin tulin liikemies. Rahoitusmarkkinat ovat yleensä arvaamattomia. Joten on oltava erilaisia ​​skenaarioita. Ajatus siitä, että pystyt oikeasti ennustamaan, mitä tapahtuu, ristiriidassa minun tapaan tarkastella Markkinat ovat jatkuvasti epävarmassa tilassa, ja valuutta ja rahat ovat peräisin yrityksiltä, ​​jotka eivät ole oikeita tai vääriä, mutta tärkeät, mutta kuinka paljon rahaa teet, kun olet oikeassa ja kuinka paljon menetät, kun olet taas väärässä. Diskonttaamalla ilmeisiä ja panostuksia odottamattomiin. Marketit on suunniteltu antamaan yksityishenkilöille mahdollisuuden huolehtia yksityisistä tarpeistaan ​​ja harjoittaa voittoa. Se on todella hieno keksintö ja en halua arvioida sen arvoa, mutta niitä ei ole suunniteltu ottamaan Huolehtivat sosiaalisista tarpeista. Saat recessioita, sinulla on osakemarkkinoiden laskuja. Jos et ymmärrä, että se tapahtuu, niin et ole valmis, et voinut tehdä markkinoita. Tässä liiketoiminnassa, jos olet hyvä, olet jälleen Oikein kuusi kertaa kymmenestä Ette koskaan ole oikeassa yhdeksän kertaa kymmenestä. Olen huomannut, että kun markkinat menevät alas ja ostat varoja viisaasti, jossain vaiheessa tulevaisuudessa olet onnellinen Et voittanut tulla sinne Lukemalla Nyt on aika ostaa. Kokeile yritykselle, että jokainen idiootti voi juosta - koska ennemmin tai myöhemmin jokainen idiootti todennäköisesti ajaa sitä. Walt Street ihmiset eivät saa mitään tietoa ja unohtaa kaiken. Useimmiten tavalliset varastot ovat Irrationaalisiin ja liiallisiin hintavaihteluihin molempiin suuntiin, koska useimpien ihmisten karkea taipumus spekuloida tai pelata antamaan tila toivoa, pelkoa ja ahneutta varten. Yksittäisen sijoittajan tulisi toimia johdonmukaisesti sijoittajana eikä keinotteluna. Tämä tarkoittaa sitä, että Hänen pitäisi pystyä perustelemaan kaikki ostot Hän tekee ja jokainen hinta hän maksaa persoonallisella, objektiivisella päättelyllä, joka tyydyttää hänelle, että hän saa enemmän kuin hänen rahansa arvoinen hänen hankinnalleen. En enää kannata laajaa tietoturvaanalyysiä, jotta löydettäisiin paremmat mahdollisuudet arvoon. Aika on ystäväsi impulssi, joka on vihollisesi. Jos sinulla on vaikeuksia kuvata 20 osakemarkkinoiden häviämistä, sinun ei pitäisi olla varastossa. Mikä tuntuu liian korkealta ja riskialttiin, että enemmistö yleensä ylittää, ja mikä näyttää alhaiselta ja halvemmalta yleensä laskee. Kun kauemmin pidät investoimisesta, olet valmis tekemään kotitehtäviä ja pysymään pelissä. Siksi yritän tehdä näyttelystä niin viihdyttävä, koska jos et ole kiinnostuneita, sinun tulee joko menettää tilaisuus ansaita rahaa Markkinat eivätkä kiinnitä tarpeeksi huomiota ja päätyvät menettämään paitaasi. Oikeiden varastojen ottaminen on yksi vaikeimmista investointien osista, ja joka ilta Mad Money - rahaa vastaan ​​yritän ottaa osan tästä rasituksesta olkapäistäsi. Minulla on ongelma Liikaa rahaa En voi investoida uudelleen tarpeeksi nopeasti, ja siksi, että sijoitan sen uudelleen, enemmän rahaa tulee Kyllä, rikkaat rikastuvat. Menemme kouluun oppimaan kovaa rahaa. Kirjoitan kirjoja ja luodaan tuotteita, jotka opettavat ihmisille, kuinka saada rahaa Työskentele kovasti heille. Kun olen laskeva ja myydään varastossa, jokaisen myynnin on oltava alemmalla tasolla kuin edellinen myynti. Kun ostan, päinvastoin on totta, minun on ostettava nousevassa mittakaavassa, en halua ostaa pitkiä varastoja Asteikko alas, ostan asteikolla ylöspäin. Hintakehitys muistuttaa, että jokainen merkityksellinen liike on vain samanlaisten hintaliikkeiden toisto, että heti kun voit tutustua menneisyyden toimintaan, voit Ennakoida ja toimia oikein ja kannattavasti tulevien liikkeiden aikana. En epäröi koskaan kertoa mieheltä, että olen nouseva tai laskeva. Mutta en kerro ihmisille, että he ostavat tai myyvät mitään erityistä varastossa. Karhun markkinoilla kaikki varastot menevät alas ja härän markkinat He menevät ylös. 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Kaupankäynnin seminaarit Webinars Työpaikat Tapahtumat. Seuraava suuri lyhyt Markets. Steve Nison kynttilänjalka Kaavio Trading Koulutus Strategiat Ohjelmistot Seminaarit Webinars. Fr Ee Trial Track n Kauppa Stocks Forex Futures Software. MTPredictor Elliott Wave ja Fibonacci Professional Trading Software. Dr Van Tharp Sijoitus Kaupankäynti Koulutus Etusivu Opiskeluprosentit 2003 - 2017 Equal Opportunity Website Company Equal Opportunity Investointi Trading Offerings. If olet turhautunut Forex Trading Sitten tämä tehokas strategia ansaitsee rahaa vain muutamassa päivässä. Anna minulle seuraavat 67 sekuntia ja aion todistaa teille, että voin kääntää kaupankäynnistänne lähipäivinä. Olen erittäin varma siitä, että olet Luultavasti yksi seuraavista kauppiaista. Oletko yrittänyt useita strategioita, mutta he eivät koskaan näytä toimivan yhtä hyvin kuin olette odottaneet heiltä - mutta sinusta tuntuu olevan lähellä menestystä. B Työssäsi kokopäiväisesti ja tiedät, että jos Sinulla oli vain enemmän aikaa oppia hyvää strategiaa ja kaupata sitä, olisit todella matkalla kohti johdonmukaisia ​​voittoja. Olet ymmärtänyt, että kaupankäynti ei ole aivan yhtä helppoa kuin löytää robotti tai automatisoitu järjestelmä - mutta et ole Oletko löytänyt kaupankäynnin strategian, josta olette todella luottamuksellisia. Koska edellä mainituista elinkeinonharjoittajista tyyliin, että sinusta tuntuu olevan lähempänä Tiedän tarkalleen mitä olet menossa läpi Olen henkilökohtaisesti opastamaan sinut missä olet nyt missä haluat Olla kaupankäynnissänne. Mutta olen ollut juuri sinä missä nyt olet. Muistan toivoa ja euforiaa, kun löysin Forexin ensimmäisen kerran ja tajusin, että se oli minun reittini parempaan elämään ja sitten kun unelmani murskattiin puisen aluksen päällä Kiviä myrskyn yön aikana. Toiveeni ja unelmani lopettaa työni viikon kuluessa ja Forex-kauppa kokopäiväisesti hajotettiin, kun tajusin, että taatut voittojärjestelmät, joita ostin, olivat mitään, mutta taatusti. Se näytti niin helppoa, kun muut Näyttivät kauppoja, jotka he olivat ottaneet järjestelmineen - mutta kun yritin kokeilla sitä itse, päädyin menettämään kauppaa menettämättä kaupankäyntiä. Mutta sitten eräänä päivänä yhtäkkiä tajusin, mitä olin tekemässä väärin. Ja muutaman päivän aloin tehdä Jotkut edistyvät D voitot kyllä, kuulit minut oikein, sanoin päivää - ei vuosia tai kuukausia tai viikkoja - mutta päiviä. Okei, en tuhannut satoja dollareita päivässä tai edes tarpeeksi lopettamaan työni - mutta jatkuvasti menettää rahaa Kaupankäynti oli menneisyydestämme. En enää istunut tietokoneen edestä, vetäen hiuksiani turhautuneelta, koska näkisin muiden menestystä kun istuin siellä menettää rahaa päivittäin. Gone olivat päiviä, jolloin tiesin, että Jos minun ei tarvitse mennä töihin päivittäin, voisin vaihtaa menestyksekkäästi kokopäiväistä sijaa. Olen todella järkyttynyt siitä, kuinka nopeasti ja helposti olin onnistunut vaihtamaan kaupankäyntiäni. Ei vain ollut vihdoin menestys, jonka tunsin Ansaitsin - mutta olin todella nauttinut kaupasta. Käytin nauttimaan kaupasta, kun aloin lähteä liikkeelle Mutta koska järjestelmä systeemin jälkeen epäonnistui ja kaikki, mitä odotin, oli tappiota, minun alku kaupankäynnin nauttimisesta muuttui pian todellisen turhautumisen ja jopa vihan vuoksi. Mutta ne päivät ovat kauan menneet ja löydän kaupankäynnin todella nautinnollisesta, koska. I Olen erittäin varma kaupankäynnissani nyt. Minulla on kovaa, vakaata luottamusta, ennen kuin vedän liipaisinta ja ryhdyn kauppaan. En epäröi, en toisaalta arvaa itseni. En välitä tekemästä vääriä päätöksiä. Okei, niin Olet kuullut tarpeeksi elämäni tarinaa ja haluat tietää, miten minä tein sen hyvin. Ensimmäinen asia, joka tapahtui, oli, että tajusin, että kaikki verkkosivut, jotka tarjoavat valtavia instant voittoja vain työntämällä nappia olivat vain hype. In itse asiassa, He eivät olleet vain hype, he olivat suoraan epärehellisiä. Katselin taaksepäin kaikilla näillä verkkosivuilla automatisoidut järjestelmät signaalit robotit salaiset indikaattorit luettelo oli loputon. Heillä kaikilla oli yksi yhteinen asia, he lupasivat minulle kertomaton rikkaudet ja rikkaudet ilman, Mutta vihdoin ymmärsin sen jälkeen, kun paljon tuskaa ja turhautumista, että kaikki nämä sivustot olivat vain savua ja peilejä, ja he vain halusivat myydä minulle jotain, jotta he voisivat omia ahtaita taskujaan. Minun oli myönnettävä itselleni, että Minusta oli huijannut nämä ro Mutta halusin tulla menestyvä kauppias niin pahasti, etten ole koskaan nähnyt sitä. Minulla oli tarpeeksi. Täällä oli tosiaan, että tunsin syvästi sylissään, että ei ollut mitään ilmaista lounasta. Lopulta hyväksyin Että jos olisin menestynyt kauppias, jouduin tekemään vähän työtä itselleni ja en voinut odottaa, että se annettaisiin minulle levylle. Päätin aioin selvittää itseni. Tiesin, että kaikkien kanssa Aikani yrittäen ja kaupankäynnin eri järjestelmiä, menetelmiä ja strategioita, joita minulla oli jo mitä tarvitsin. Olen siis alkanut käydä läpi kaiken, mitä olen oppinut markkinoista tähän mennessä - heitin pois kaiken, joka ei toiminut ja pitänyt kaiken mitä teki. Lopputulos on 5 super-yksinkertaista kauppasääntöä, jotka yhdistyvät yhdessä VAHVA kaupankäyntistrategiasta, jonka voitto-taso on niin korkea, että se on pois kaavioista. Tämä ääni on liian hyvä olla totta ja epärealistinen Hyvin lukea ja minä näytän sinulle, ei vain se on melko realistinen, mutta se on lähes a Nailed-on varmuus. Strategia, jota olen käyttänyt saadakseen jatkuvia voittoja Forex-nimeltään nimeltään Price Action 5.I on hajonnut strategiani yksinkertaiseksi, askel askeleelta ja helposti seurattava eBook, jonka voit saada Juuri nyt ja aloittaa kaupankäynnistänne noin tunnin kuluessa. Olen kirjoittanut tämän eBook for YOU - haastava elinkeinonharjoittaja, jolla on päivätyö, on tyytymätön kaikkiin hypeihin ja vääriin lupauksiin ja on lopulta valmis oppimaan strategian Joka voi käydä kauppaa vapaa-ajallasi - ja voit nauttia kaupankäynnistä liian. Hinta Toiminta 5 on kaupankäyntistrategia, joka vie vihdoin kaupankäyntiäsi sinne, missä tiedät sen olevan - johdonmukainen, kannattava, helppo ja vaatii hyvin vähän aikaa Tai vaivaa. Nyt en aio valehdella sinulle ja sanoa, että sinun tarvitsee vain napsauttaa hiiren painiketta ja rahat tulevat kaatamalla kauppatilillesi - kannattava kauppa ei toimi täällä. En väitä, että olet Voi lopettaa työnne seuraavan viikon tämän strategian kanssa. Mutta en väitä, että tämä on Luultavasti lähinnä mitä ikinä saat, kun pystyt luopumaan työstäsi ja kaupankäynnin kokopäiväisesti, mutta vain jos otat sen vakavasti ja älä odota, että se tapahtuisi yön yli. Haluan myös esittää toisen vaatimuksen - ja tämä on vaatimus Odotan 100: llä. Olet luultavasti miettinyt, kuinka voit kaupata vain muutaman minuutin päivässä ja tehdä johdonmukaisia ​​voittoja. No, ennen kuin kerron teille, minun täytyy rikkoa huono kaupankäynti myytti. Jotkut saavat päähänsä parhaan Tapa tehdä rahaa kaupankäynnin on daytrade Tämä on täysin, täysin ja ehdottomasti väärä - ja minä todistan sen sinulle. Kun kaupankäynnissä päivänsisäinen on monia, monia tekijöitä, jotka juoksevat sinua, jotka tekevät kaupankäynnin alemman aikakauden vaikeampaa kauppaa on enemmän melua Alemman aikakauteen uutiset-piikit voivat viedä sinut pois kaupoista välittäjät voivat ajaa sinun pysähtyy luettelo jatkuu. Trading korkeammat aikataulut on helpompaa ja kannattavampaa. Tämän vuoksi hinta Action 5 käyttää korkeampia aikatauluja - se tekee meistä enemmän rahaa. Mutta kaupankäyntiä korkeampi Aikarajat ovat vain hyvin s Mallia, mikä tekee Hinta-toiminnasta 5 tällaisen yksinkertaisen ja erittäin kannattavan strategian. Hinta Toimi 5: ssä on viisi sääntöä, joita noudatamme, ennen kuin ryhdymme kauppaan Käyttämällä näitä viittä sääntöä lisäämme todennäköisyyttä, että jokin kauppa käydään meitä kohtaan, Meidän win-ratio on hullu. I ei puhu, tupakoi tai yli hyping tätä strategiaa ollenkaan, kun sanon, että se on rehellinen totuus Kun ymmärrät strategian ja saada vähän kokemusta se SINET lyödä samat numerot Too. You myös havaitsevat, että kauppoihin, joihin olet ryhtynyt Price Action 5: llä, saavuttaa joitain hulluja palkkio-riskisuhteita. On aika todella saada vakavia nyt ja niin aion kysyä joitain kysymyksiä. Kuinka kauan olet ollut Yrittää tehdä rahaa kaupankäynnin Forex. Kuinka monet strategiat olet kokeillut. Kuinka paljon pettymyksiä voit käsitellä kanssa. Mitä ajattelet, jos kerroin, että olet lähempänä menestystä kaupankäynnissä kuin voisi koskaan kuvitella Remember. I olen ollut Imeytyneenä Forex-pesukoneeseen ja spat ou Toisella puolella tiedän, miltä se haluaa menettää kauppaa menettämättä kauppaa. Aiemmin kun löysin uusia kaupankäyntijärjestelmiä ja aloitin kaupankäynnin heille jännitystä ja innostusta - vain löytää ne didn t toimivat kuten luvannut. Aiemmin Olen menettänyt itseluottamukseni löytääkseen Forex-kaupankäynnin menetelmää, joka ei saisi pettää minua. Palasin kuitenkin yrittämään uudelleen, koska tunsin syvästi, että minulta puuttui jotain. Päätin luoda oma menetelmäni, mutta minun Haku oli ohi ja hintatoiminta 5 on menestyksekäs tulos verestä, hikeästä ja kyyneleistään. Ja se ei ole vain minua, joka käyttää Price Action 5: n voittamaan Forexin muodostamalla lomakkeen tällä sivustolla, jotta asiakkaat, jotka ostivat hintatiedot 5 Voisin kertoa minulle, miten he olivat tekemässä. Tässä on vain viisi viimeisintä kommenttia, jotka olen saanut onnellisilta kauppiailta kahden viimeisen päivän aikana. Tarjoan hintatiedosta 5 sinulle, koska tiedän kaupankäynnin turhautumisen, kun et ole tehnyt johdonmukaisia Voitot Muistan pai Yrittäessäni selvittää, miksi muut tekivät niin hyvin, kun otin huonoja kaupankäyntejä ja jäin suurta kaupankäyntiä. Mutta negatiiviset tunteenni Forexin suhteen ovat menneisyyden asia. Tämä on sinun kehotus toimia. Tämä on kriittinen kohta Kaupallisessa urassasi, jossa jatkat mitä teet ja toivotte, että aiot jonain päivänä aloittaa rahaa tai päätät, että haluat todistetun strategian, joka voi tuottaa merkittäviä voittoja johdonmukaisesti ja muutamassa päivässä. Price Action 5 - strategia ei ole mikään mitä sinulla on Koskaan nähty ennen tarjota kokonaiskehys, joka poistaa 95 päätöksestä pois kaupankäynnistä. Hinta toiminto 5 on saatavilla välittömästi ladattavaksi Seuraavina minuutteina voit oppia yksi yksinkertaisin ja kannattavin kaupankäynnin strategioita koskaan luotu tiedän Mitä minä puhun täällä - olen nähnyt ja käynyt kauppaa melkein jokaisella strategialla ja järjestelmällä. Sillä on kysyttävää Hinta-toiminnasta 5 Tutustu usein kysyttyihin kysymyksiin. Hinta - toiminta 5 Ainoa uusi hajautettu Forex-tuote. Hinta Toiminto 5 on täysin ainutlaatuinen Forex-kaupankäynnin strategia, jonka luon itse. Kirjoitin koko eBookin jokaisen yksittäisen sanan sen jälkeen, kun vihdoin kuvittelin, miten kaupan kannattavasti menevät vain lyhyen ajan eteen Näytöllä - kun työskentelen vielä päivätoimintani kanssa. Hinta Toiminta 5 System. Price Action 5 ei ole järjestelmä, joka kertoo, milloin ostaa ja myydä. Eikö se ole set-and-forget - tyyppinen järjestelmä Price Action 5 I Yksityiskohtia ja käydä läpi yksinkertaisen mutta tehokkaan sääntöjen, jotka perustuvat perusmarkkinoiden periaatteisiin. Nämä säännöt muodostavat Price Action 5 - strategian, ja jos seuraat, sijoitat sinut tiiviisti johdonmukaisesti kannattavaan kaupankäyntiin. Will Action 5 Stop Working In Tulevaisuus. Hintakehityksen 5 periaatteet perustuvat Forex-markkinoihin ja kaikkiin markkinoihin. Niin kauan kuin kauppiaita ostetaan ja myydään, hinta-toiminto 5 jatkaa voittoa. Haluan ostaa kaikki lisäohjelmistot tai palvelukset Ices Kun tilaan hinnan Toimenpide 5. Ei hinta Toimenpide 5 on itsenäinen e-kirja ja kaikki, mitä sinun tarvitsee tietää, on siellä Hinta Action 5 - strategia vaatii vain perustavanlaatuisia kartoituspaketteja Ei ole indikaattoreita tai muita ohjelmistovaatimuksia Kaikki Tarve on Metatrader 4 tietokoneellesi Tämän tarjoaa lähes kaikki Forex-välittäjä FREE. How saan Access to Price - toiminnon? 5.On tilauksen kautta turvallisen tilaussivun, siirryt sivulle, jossa voit ladata Hinta Toimi 5 heti. Sinä annat tuen. Olen huolellisesti selvittänyt hintatieto 5 niin selvästi kuin voin. Hinta Action 5 - strategia on hyvin yksinkertainen ja vaatii aiempaa tietoa. Jos sinulla on kysyttävää, niin vastaan Heitä mahdollisimman hyvin. Kuinko voin ottaa sinuun yhteyttä jos minulla on kysyttävää, kommentteja tai ongelmia. Voit lähettää meille sähköpostia Joeen suoraan. I ei ole kiinnostunut tekemään rahaa myymästä tätä eBook - en todellakaan halua auttaa ihmisiä menemään Kelvoton Helppoa kaupankäyntiä ja helppoa vaivattomien voittojen päiväksi. Olen asettanut hinnan tämän eBookin kautta, koska haluan suodattaa ne, jotka eivät ole vakavasti vihdoin valloilleen Forex-markkinoita. Älykkäät kauppiaat siellä huomaavat, että on järkevää maksaa Hyvää tietoa - mutta todella älykkäät kauppiaat ymmärtävät, että olisi hullua olla maksamatta suurta tietoa. En aio rytmittää bushia - vain kerron kuinka hiljaa hinnankorotus on. Hinta - toimintoa 5 sinulle 47-hinnoittelun hämmästyttävän edulliseen hintaan. Saat hintatiedoista 5 saamasi tiedot tämä on ehdoton elämäntyö - ensimmäiset luvut ovat sen arvoisia yksin. Nämä etuoikeutetut harvat, jotka saavat hintatietoja 5 Tämän knock-down hinnan sinun täytyy luvata minulle, että aiot kertoa minulle, mitä ajattelet siitä Haluan tietää kaupankäynnin tarina ja menestys, kun aloitat kaupankäynnin Hinta Action 5 Teet sen. Olen niin paljon Luottamus menestykseen Price Actin kanssa Ioni 5, että tarjoan sinulle henkilökohtaisen takuun. Jos et saa haluamasi tuloksia 60 päivän kuluessa, annan henkilökohtaisesti hyvityksen jokaisesta pennistä. Tämä on oikein, päättääsi sijoittaa Hinta-toimintoon 5 täysin riskitöntä. S crunch time. This on sinun point-of-no-return, missä olet vakava ja teke lupaus itsellesi Lupaile itsellesi, että olet valmis unohtamaan aiemmat amatööriyritysyritykset ja olet nyt valmis tarttumaan tähän ammattilaiseen, Elinikäistä kaupankäyntimahdollisuutta, joka esitellään sinulle. Et halua katsoa tätä kauan sen jälkeen, kun olet luopunut yrittäneestä kaupankäynnistä, ja mietin, mitä olet jättänyt pois. 100 Secure Order Form. YES Haluan tulla Onnistunut Forex Trader. I ymmärrän täysin, että Price Action 5 on ehdottomasti riskitön ja että minulla on luodinkestävä 60 päivän no-questions-asked rahat takaisin-takuu vain 47. Olen myös ymmärtänyt, että en ole myytävä Mitään muuta ja että kun napsautan Tilaa nyt - painiketta, siirrän suoraan 10: een 0 turvallinen checkout sivu. Hinta Toiminto 5 toimitetaan välittömästi ladattavassa, sähköisessä PDF-muodossa latauslinkin kautta - tarvitset Adobe Acrobat Readerin tai vastaavan ohjelmiston, jotta voit katsella hintatietoja. 5.Mielletään Tilauksesi on turvallisesti sijoitettu JVZoo: n 256-bittisen suojatun Palvelin ja sinut ohjataan ladattavaksi heti maksun jälkeen - vaikka se olisikin 2 m: n kaupankäynnin menestys. Joe Parker Price Action 5.P s Muista, etten tiedä, kuinka kauan hintakurssi 5 on käytettävissä - don Täältä puuttuu tämä eksklusiivinen mahdollisuus saada kopiosi nyt. US Government Required Disclaimer - Commodity Futures Trading Commissionin futuurit ja optiot kaupankäynnillä on suuria mahdollisia palkkioita, mutta myös suuria mahdollisia riskejä Sinun on oltava tietoinen riskeistä ja olemaan valmis hyväksymään ne sijoittaakseen Futuurit ja optiot markkinat Don t kauppaa rahaa sinulla ei ole varaa menettää Tämä ei ole tarjous tai tarjouksen Osta Buy futuurit tai vaihtoehtoja Ei edustusta tehdä, että kaikki tilillä on tai on Todennäköisesti saavuttaa voittoa tai tappiota, joka on samanlainen kuin tässä verkkosivustolla käsitellyt. Kauppajärjestelmän tai menetelmän aikaisempi suorituskyky ei välttämättä ole merkki tulevista tuloksista. KÄYTÄNNÖN SÄÄNTÖ 41 41 - HYPOTEETTISET TAI SIMULATIIVISET TULOKSET OTETAAN TIETYISSÄ RAJOITUKSISTA, SIMULOITU TULOKSET EIVÄT EDISTYY TODELLISESTA KAUPALLISESTA TULOKSISTA, SELLAISENAAN, ETTÄ TULOKSIA EI OLE KORVAUTETTU TIETTYJEN MARKKINOIDEN TEKIJÖIDEN VAIKUTUKSESTA, SELLAISENAAN, JOTKA LISÄKSI SIMULOIDUT KAUPALLISET OHJELMAT KÄYTTÄMÄT SELLAISENAAN, JOTKA ON SUUNNITELTU EIVÄT, ETTÄ KÄYTÄNTÖÖNPANO EI OLE EDELLEEN, ETTÄ KAIKKI LASKENTA OVAT TAI OLETETTAVAT YKSINOMAISESTI TOIMITETTAVAT TULOKSET TAI TALOUDELLISET TAPAHTUMAT. Ei ole edustusta siitä, että mikä tahansa tili on tai todennäköisesti saavuttaa Voitot tai tappiot, jotka ovat samanlaisia ​​kuin tosiasiassa. Itse asiassa hypoteettisten tulosten ja todellisten tulosten välillä on usein eroja Myöhemmin saavutettu millä tahansa kaupankäynnin ohjelmalla Hypoteettisella kaupankäynnillä ei ole taloudellista riskiä eikä hypoteettinen kaupankäyntitieto voi täysin ottaa huomioon rahoitusriskien vaikutuksen kaupankäynnissä Kaikki tämän verkkosivuston tai tämän verkkosivuston kautta hankitun e-kirjan tiedot ovat opetustarkoituksiin Vain ja ei ole tarkoitettu antamaan taloudellista neuvontaa Kaikki ilmoitukset voitoista tai tuloista, jotka on ilmaistu tai oletettu, eivät ole takeita Tosiasiallinen kaupankäynti voi johtaa tappioihin, koska kaupankäyntijärjestelmä ei ole taattu Hyväksyt täysin vastuuta omasta toiminnasta, kaupoista, voitoista tai Tappio ja sitoutuvat pitämään tämän tietosuojaviranomaisen valtuuttamat jälleenmyyjät missä tahansa ja millä tahansa tavalla Tämän järjestelmän käyttäminen hyväksyy käyttäjän käyttöoikeussopimuksen. Tämä sivusto ja tämän sivuston tarjoamat tuotteet ja palvelut eivät liity, ovat sidoksissa, Tai sponsoroi Google, Paypal, eBay, Amazon, Yahoo tai Bing eikä niitä ole tarkistettu testattu tai sertifioitu Google, Paypal, Yahoo, eBay, Amazon tai Bing Tyypillinen ostaja ei tee rahaa tällä järjestelmällä ei takaa tuloja tai menestystä, ja tässä esityksessä esitetyt esimerkit eivät ole merkki tulevasta menestyksestä tai tuloksesta. Tiedon jakaminen on totta ja täsmällistä. Jotta voimme vastata tähän, on ymmärrettävä, missä hän on nykyisessä vaiheessa Jos haluat pitää kaupan ajan N, niin sinun täytyy ymmärtää tarvittavat taidot ja kyvyt, jotka pitävät kaupankäynti Ajattele elossa. Mitä on emotionaalinen Quotient. Imagine, löysit hyttynen, joka istuu kyynärvarren kohdalla Olette todennäköisesti reagoinut siihen, tappamalla se surkealla Kun hyttynen kuolee, miltä tuntuu, määrittelee emotionaalisen osamääränne Todennäköisesti olisit iloinen Että olet hylännyt uhan Ei tunne-osamäärä nolla hetkellä seisoo 100 tässä skenaariossa. Jälkeen hetki, anna kuvitella, Löysit rakastetun lemmikkikoiran tai kissan kuolla Kuinka mielestäsi määrittelee e Motionaalinen osamäärä jälleen Todennäköisesti meidän mieliemme muuttuu tylsiksi, kyyneleet alkavat kulkea, surunvalotukset asetetaan Tässä mielentilassa on erittäin heikko emotionaalinen osamäärä Kaaviossa näette, että parabolinen pudotus tunne-osamäärässä. Kuvaaja edustaa aloittelijan fysiologista lähestymistapaa Kohti markkinoita Sitten vertailee emotionaalinen tilanne asiantuntija kauppias, joka on nähnyt lähes kaikki mahdolliset pahemmat tapaukset skenaarioita markkinoilla Tämä on korkea EQ on newbie elinkeinonharjoittaja, joka johtaa aloittelijoille onnea factor. Benefits on newbie elinkeinonharjoittaja. On hyvin vähän parametreja Jotka estävät päätöksentekoajatteluasi. Markkinoiden myynti tai paniikkiliikkeet ovat vielä kokeneita. Sijoitusten vertailu päättyy lopulta voittojen tuottamiseen. Tietämättömät newbie-yritykset pitävät kannat kannattavassa edes viikonloppuisin. Risk on vähiten parametri , Se on aina tavoitteita, jotka johtuvat suuresta luottamuksesta. Neljä vaihetta, jotka elinkeinonharjoittaja kulkee. 1 Etkö tiedä mitä et tiedä2. Tiedät mitä teet Osaa tietää.3 Tiedät, ettet tiedä 4. Tiedät sen, että olet oppinut sen. Et tiedä, mitä et tiedä. Tässä esimerkissä kuvataan tämä Olet uusi elinkeinonharjoittaja autokuljettaja Sateisella Yö, kun teet olivat selkeitä teit 100 kilometrin matkan vain 20 minuutissa ja huippunopeus on 150 mph vain kuvittele ota don t laskea. Tämä on vaihe, jossa et tiedä mitä kaikki riski, että missä siellä Mutta aika oli hyvä Ja teit sen tuolle tietylle ajolle.2 Tiedät mitä et tiedä. Seuraavana aamuna sanomalehdessä luit artikkelin auto-onnettomuudesta Tämä kaatuminen tapahtui samalla reitillä, jolla teet viime yön ajamisen Infact this car crashed say 15 minuuttia sen jälkeen, kun olet läpäissyt tämän kohdan. Se karkasi tieltä ja putosi sillalta. Ya Nyt tiedät, mitä et tiedä Ensi kerralla et koskaan osunut 150 mph: iin tai ajetaan kahdenkymmenen minuutin aikana Vastaavasti kaupassa et voittanut valtavaa Lyön vetoa odottamattoman tapahtuman seuraamisen jälkeen. 3 Tiedät, ettet tiedä. Sinä Alkoi keskustella tästä jokaiselle Jokainen kaveri kohosi hänen kokemuksestaan ​​kiihottavasta ajamisesta Sait tietää muta tien liikkeestä, terävät kääntymät, eläimellä voisi olla tien keskellä jne. Nyt olet hyvin tietoinen riskeistä, jotka liittyvät 150 mph: iin. Trading uutiset vaikuttavat sinuun Mitä Obama sanoi, miten ruokki reagoivat kaikki ne pienet asiat muistuttavat kaikkia mahdollisia peruutuksia markkinoilla tai riskejä Tässä vaiheessa olet enemmän keskittynyt tietämään enemmän riskejä ja mitä kaikki asiat voisivat mennä pieleen.4 Tiedät sen Olet oppinut sen. Koska olet aloittelija ensimmäisen kerran kuljettaja, nyt olet kokenut kuljettaja, jolla on 10 vuoden kokemus Helvetti ei ole mitään keinoa, että otat sen typerän vaaran ajaa niin nopeasti koskaan uudelleen. Myös rohkaisevat uutiset, optimismi, Oli alussa ollut varjostanut riski ja menettämisen pelko Olette hallinnoineet kaikkia riski-skenaarioita niin hyvin, että voitat voittoa pitkäksi Jokainen pieni korjaus tuo sydämesi suuhun ja ravistelee vahvista uskosi h Vanhentava asema, kunnes tavoite täyttyy Jokainen mahdollinen kauppa seuraa analyysin halvaus Liian paljon riskianalyysejä ja liian vähän kärsivällisyyttä. No, vain ero ajo-ja kaupankäynnin välillä on. Ajaminen vuosien kokemus todennäköisyys kaatuu auton vähenee Kaupankäynti , Voit laskea tilisi saldo lopulta ja toistuvasti. Vaatimukset newbie tulla kokopäiväinen elinkeinonharjoittaja emotionaalinen osamäärä parametri. Jokaisen pitäisi pystyä pysymään järkevä ilman kiinnittymistä markkinoiden liikkuu. Jokainen keskimäärin arvopaperimarkkinoilla kasvaa riskin mahdollisuuksia eksponentiaalisesti Tämä saa aikaan yhden hyvän käänteen vastakkaiseen suuntaan vetää sinut takaisin kuukausittain Kuinka käsitellä sitä emotionaalisesti. Voi sinä lopettaa aivojasi tahdosta, ajatella markkinoita ja irrottaa siitä. Too paljon keskittyen hintaliikkeisiin aiheuttaa stressiä Ajoittain nostaa verta Jos ProfitNLoss näyttää valtavan menetyksen Kuinka hyvä olet käsittelemässä sitä. Vaihda lapsi, joka on päiväkodissa, ja me laskemme Söi älykkyysosamuutti IQ matematiikan termeillä Koska lapsella ei ole vielä tietoa matematiikasta, oletamme, että hänen älykkyysosuutensa on nolla. Ajan kuluttua tämä lapsi oppii jonkinasteisen asteen tasolla oletamme, että hänen älykkyys on kasvanut eksponentiaalisesti matematiikassa Näin kauppiaiden älykkyysosamäärä toimii. Uusien kauppiaiden älykkyysosamäärä on lähellä nollaa Ei ole tietoa arbitraasista, suojauksesta, optiohinnoittelupalkkioiden keräämisestä, puhelumaksusta, binaarisista vaihtoehdoista, futuurien päättymisestä, erän koosta, marginaalilaskennasta, transaktiokustannuksista, palveluista Vero jne. Kaikki nämä sanat ääniä ulkomaalaisille heille. Heillä on nolla IQ tässä suhteessa. Yllä oleva kuvaaja kuvaa, miten aikakauppias saa enemmän oivalluksia ja hankkii älykkyysosumääriä. Lisää käytetty aika, kokeneempi elinkeinonharjoittaja saisi Rahoitusmarkkinoiden seurantapäivän ja Yön yli pitkän ajan, Jokainen kaupallinen tilaisuus on esteenä potentiaaliselle riskille, että aloitteleva elinkeinonharjoittaja on liikaa huolissaan potentiaalisista mahdollisuuksista, älykkyys quo Että yrittäjät keskittyvät siirtymään kohti riskialttiutta paljon älykkyysosamääriä aiheuttaa liikaa analyysiä ja tämä puolestaan ​​johtaa analyysin halvausosio-oireyhtymään. Täällä elinkeinonharjoittaja jatkaa analysoimalla markkinoilla enemmän kuin koskaan tarvitaan. Yrittäjä, joka haluaa elää kaupankäynnistä, on Oppia taidetta antamaan painoarvoa jokaiselle parametrille, joka olisi otettava huomioon ennen markkinariskin ottamista Jokaisessa mahdollisessa tilanteessa 100 mahdollisesta riskistä niiden olisi vain 2-3 suurta uhkaa On oltava asiantuntija tappi osoittaa niitä ja tehdä hyppy Uskonkaupasta Ajoittain syötetyt uutiset ovat tärkeitä, voivat olla työttömyyttä koskevia tietoja tai ne saattavat olla liiallisia voitonvarauksia jne. Valitse parametri viisaasti Liian paljon älykkyyttä on huono Pidä tämä keskipitkä aikaväli. Koska yllä olevasta taulukosta käy ilmi ammatillinen elinkeinonharjoittaja, joka tekee living out of trading must find a niche balance between EQ and IQ Usually it s take 4-5 years with 3-4 times bankruptcy situation, before a person finds this niche balance between his emotional quotient and inte lligence quotient. Characteristics of a professional trader. He realizing that his brain is always impatient to book profits and wait when in loss thus he needs to control his mind by bringing in some IQ into the game. Almost every trader leverages without calculating risk this eventually becomes an habit until one fine day market goes irrational for longer period than you can remain solvent. Professional traders manage to cut losses on time with no remorse. Confident pro traders add on more positions into their already profit making position, while other traders would be thinking of booking profits This is due to high EQ at that particular trade. There profit charts look parabolic with exponential growth while loss graph will be linear declining Thus they need just few winners with exponential profits when compared to lots of linear losses. Thus i hope i have included almost all points needed to be thought about before plunging into trading for a living A person who desires high emotional qu otient all the time usually becomes a sage While, a person who has high Intelligence quotient ends up in NASA The person who has that right balance needs 5 years of loss making experience first to be a good trader.78 9k Views View Upvotes Not for Reproduction. A lot of people today have a dream to become a millionaire because of media advertising and TV People see the lives of celebrities and millionaires and they want to have the same lifestyle The most popular question can I be a millionaire trading forex. Yes, you can be a millionaire trading forex but it is not easy like you see on internet advertising and media If you start small say with just 5,000 and make 10 of your capital each month after 5 years you will indeed be a millionaire If you make just 10 of your capital each month you can be millionaire You can start with 5K and in 5 years you will be millionaire If you start with 10K you can be in 4 years and if you start with 100K you will be in 2 years. With just 10 a month you can fulfil your dream Think about it In any other industry you can not start with 5K and be a millionaire in a few years but in the forex market you can If you like to trade forex because you think you can be millionaire overnight or in a week or month please exit NOW because you will lose all your money and may also lose your t-shirt. Brokers always hide this reality and tell you stories about doubling your money overnight They prefer for you to lose your money to them as soon as possible because if you follow the correct way for a few years they will not see any substantial profit from you Over the course of several years you will be the one pocketing the true profits This is of course not in their best interest because 90 of brokers are just market makers and have no relation with the market and banks They just create a virtual market for you and let you trade and they make money when you lose And they lose when you make money For them their interest is to make you lose as soon as possi ble then they try to motivate you to add more funds to your account and lose your funds more and more. If you really you want to be a millionaire in the forex market please forget about making money easily You can not make a cold cash in forex market because that does not exist You will need time to learn how to trade forex develop a strategy with 60 probability to win or more learn money management and take your time and start trading just on a demo account Be patient Trade for 3 months on a demo account If you can have success on a demo account then you can go and open a real account and start real trading If you can not have success on a demo account then something is not right maybe your strategy or you do not respect money management rules After you know the error correct it and then restart trading on a demo account until you start seeing recurring success. Do no longer hesitate and join us now Here you can find everything Forex related.5 3k Views View Upvotes Not for Reproduction. It is possible, however research and retail broker data clearly states that less than 1 of traders can actually make profits. The problem, however, doesn t lie in the difficulty along but in the way the average trader approaches trading In the end, trading, regardless of the market, is a profession just like any other You wouldn t expect to watch some youtube videos, read a couple of articles and then be ready to work as a surgeon or a lawyer. If you really want to follow this path, it shouldn t be for the money, but because you have a passion for it The path to becoming a consistently profitable trader can be a long one You ll very likely experience frustrations, setbacks and times when you just want to quit If you are just in for the money, your motivation probably won t be enough Research shows that the majority of traders quit within 2 months. The best you can do, is accept that becoming a professional trader usually takes years and you will need to treat it like a business and a new skill-set you have to develop This means, learning the basics about the markets, constant self improvement, following the financial markets, analyzing your trading performance, tracking your trades and collecting as much data as possible to be able to spot weaknesses in your strategy or things where you should further improve on. I am attaching you the pyramid showing the survival rate of traders This is not to demotivate you, but to show you that most people who set out to becoming a professional trader, quit However, it clearly is possible to make profits - as Rich nicely described Before you dive into the world of trading, check yourself and ask yourself if you have the correct mindset and the determination, or are just looking for the quick money This is not possible in trading, unfortunately However, if you can develop a passion for trading, you ll learn a lot about yourself and can have fun on the journey. May the pips be with you.61 2k Views View Upvotes Not for Reproduction. Rich Young Professional forex trader for over a decade. Updated 131w ago Upvoted by Dave Hughe Forex Trader Forex Signals Provider. Sure it s possible to earn sustainable profits trading forex I have been doing it for over 10 years. It s also possible to lose money trading forex In fact the very best traders do both regularly Losing money in a trade is just part of trading The trick comes in developing the skill set to steadily increase your account balance even though individual trades can go in either direction There are very specific things you can learn in order to do this regularly and successfully. What you are looking for as a trader is an edge The process of analyzing the market, watching price behavior, exercising prudent money management and risk management and forecasting the likely next move of the market with the successful outcome being determined by the choice you make on the basis of the training and experience that you have gained makes this the most exciting and profitable com petitive endeavor in the world of finance All of those above listed skills are learned Of all the people I have mentored and who trade profitably I have never met a single one who was born knowing how to trade Every one of them learned what they now use to earn money trading, a step at a time Most came to this having no previous experience at trading any kind of financial instrument. One can approach this by visiting free sites on the internet but it will most certainly take you much longer and that approach will expose the trader to losses, but from which he she can learn That approach requires you to learn on your own without very if any effective feedback Using a mentor whom you would hire , who is already trading successfully and profitably, can teach you the ropes that will greatly accelerate your learning curve and will save you years of time and potentially tens of thousands of dollars in losses In this kind of learning it can really be a question of being penny wise and pound fo olish Getting immediate feedback as concepts are learned and practiced are invaluable Find a good mentor with whom you are compatible All of that can all be done on line. One of the beauties of trading forex is that you can trade quite realistically while you are learning with what amounts to pretend money You can do that as long as you want to with no financial exposure to any possible losses This is very useful as you acquire, then develop, and then hone and sharpen your new trading skills When you are ready, you can then switch over to real money, but still trade in very small amounts as low as 10 cents a pip, and in some cases even a penny a pip while you develop your trading skills and prove to yourself what you now know Once switched to a real money account, one can actually trade while risking as little as a few dollar bills. The second half of your question asked how does one make money in forex No, there are no quarterly dividends as such in this endeavor Each trade position tha t you take in the forex market can be held for a short time or a long time By short I mean seconds or minutes By long I mean hours, days, weeks or months You decide this by the style of trading that you enter into When you close your position, the gain or loss is instantly credited debited to your brokerage account This is a highly liquid market meaning you will find someone to take your trade or get you out of it at virtually any time and orders in either direction and either opening or closing a position are executed in milliseconds It is the biggest market in the world far surpassing any of the bond or equity markets to the tune of some four trillion dollars a day changing hands yes, that s four thousand billion dollars a day. Rather obviously then, the answer to the question would be that whenever you want to be paid and you have had profitable trades, you would instruct your broker to use whatever money transfer method he offers to get your money to the bank account that you contro l These usually include wire transfers, credit debit card transfers and even such systems as Paypal Just more recently in 2014, crypto currencies in the form of altcoins such as Bitcoin are another possibility for low cost money transfers. Trading the forex is very definitely a thinking person s game Pattern recognition, signal interpretation, analysis of indicators and what they are telling you, mental discipline and understanding of human psychology all make forex trading the most fascinating of human financial endeavors It makes no difference whether the currency market you decide to trade is going up, down or sideways - you can still profit if you have learned how to assess the market you are facing. Similar to the lyrics in the The Gambler by Kenny Rogers, you ve got to know when to hold em, and when to fold em There is a lot of forex trader wisdom in the song Listen to it several times. Here are the lyrics The Gambler Lyrics modified slightly by me to fit trading. You ve got to know when to hold em Know when to fold em Know when to walk away And know when to run You never count your money When you re sittin at the puter There ll be time enough for countin When the tradin s done. Every trader knows That the secret to survivin Is knowin what to throw away And knowin what to keep Cause every trade s a winner And every trade s a loser And the best that you can hope for is to die in your sleep. Forex trading is accessible 24 hours a day, 5 1 2 days a week from virtually anywhere in the world You have no employees, no payroll to meet, very low overhead, no accounts receivables, no billing, no commute and no related car expenses, no dress code, and no office politics You have no set hours that you must work, no boss and you can work from the comfort of your own home If you want to travel, take your laptop with you and trade from any location in the world where you have a reliable DSL quality internet connection. But you do have to be disciplined You do have to learn how to take losses There is no free lunch You do have to think You have to be a decision maker Trading is a business and it must be approached that way - in a businesslike manner Trading is for intelligent people who take responsibility for themselves and their own decisions. It is not an easy road to riches but the road does go there and if you have the journey in you, you can go there too As we say to travelers in Panama, Buen viaje.57 5k Views View Upvotes Not for Reproduction. I m going to give you the unpopular answer it is not easy to make consistent profits in forex 60 of forex traders lose money, and this is a conservative estimate. As they say The best way to end up with 1000 in forex is to start with 2000.It is definitely possible though Here s how I would approach it. I know it sounds underwhelming, but try to focus first on the process instead of the profits You should study the basics first the BabyPips school is excellent for this Then, get a demo account from a decent broker I can recommend AxiTrader but any reputable broker such as FXCM or Oanda is equally good and try to get a feel of how trading works. Next up, read a couple of good books on trading Learn the basics of candlestick charting, price patterns, technical and fundamental analysis, trading emotions, etc I ve listed up some great forex books , most of them classics in their own regard To keep an eye on the news, a good economic calendar is also useful. You should also start creating your own trading plan with a trading journal The difference between a successful trader and a losing one is that losing traders lack structure A trading plan and journal provides that structure. A trading journal should not only be a logbook of the trades you take, but also how you feel about taking that trade, what you perceive as risks and even ongoing emotions as the open trade unfolds It deals with trading emotions in a systematic way that makes it easier to improve on them. Ultimately, this will lead you to make the righ t decisions, achieve consistency and eventually make consistent profits in the forex market.7 1k Views View Upvotes Not for Reproduction. Robert Parker CEO of Holborn Assets - Holistic Financial Planning Services, Dubai. Let me briefly answer the questions, and then develop the subject. Is it possible for an amateur Forex trader to make sustainable profits trading Forex. No It is possible for an amateur trader to simply make some profits, but it is quite sure he will sooner or later get his balance to negative until he does not upgrade to the professional level And by professional level I don t mean having certificates of a trading academy The key thing is the experience and being conscious about every decision you make It s like in any other business. How specifically do you make money in Forex. Well, technically speaking, the steps are as follows you choose a reputable broker, register, download its terminal platform , choose the leverage, make a deposit, and just trade the currency pairs by anticipating if these will go up or down Buy or Sell The currency pair price changes will generate your profits. Does a broker pay you some quarterly dividends. No, you just have a balance on your account that constantly increases or drops based on your trading activity If you carried out profitable trades, you can then withdraw your money if you want For this, you just need to know the deposit withdrawal specific rules of the broker you choose. Now, returning to the first point - it is not a good idea for a trader to accept his amateur level You should know that only 5 of traders are making consistent profits It is not because Forex is so risky It is because people have a wrong attitude about the trading process They don t see it from a professional perspective as a business Many traders perceive Forex as an activity that can give you easy money, which is not true You have to learn, to exercise, to analyze, to test many strategies, to develop some skills, and most important of all - t o develop a professional attitude You should dare for more, but do it gradually There are tons of materials online about Forex, so you can start by learning the basic concepts. I hope this was helpful.13 2k Views View Upvotes Not for Reproduction. Wow, so much text below so far. I woud answer shortly. Yes, its definetely possible, but then forex will be the same is gabling or bets. So the primary factor that affects your resul will be luck If you put ALL IN and make 2 good traders, you can make good money out of this Will you stop I guess not, you will think that forex seems easy if you win You will play more, relying on more luck You can win 3rd and 4rth trade, everything will seem great But them you can make another all in and lose everying in 1 stupid trade Even if you lose a bit, you will think that its an accident and you need to get it back fast Guess you understand. The moral is if you need fast money, you need luck If you need sustainable profits - you need system. Senior Market Analy st in HYCM.335 Views Not for Reproduction. Jozef Rudy Founder at - quantitative strategies backtesting and ranking. Trading FOREX is really a bad idea. There are hardly any long-term trends in FOREX, as the currency expresses the strength of one economy to the other Thus, there would have to be a long-term uninterupted improvement of one country vs the other These trends rarely occur and if they occur, they are very mild Why not trade commodities, bonds or stocks but FOREX. I assume FOREX might seem more approachable for the novice trader because of low requirements for the account setup. However, inexistence of long-term trends forces clients to use heavy leverage and focus on short-term trading. FOREX brokers offer 100x leverage and thus you are lured into the game by the idea of low own capital requirement However, many times in the past it has been proven as a wrong strategy The most recent event was a sudden appreciation of Swiss Franc due to the central bank decision of abandoning the peg Foreign-Exchange Brokers Are Going Bankrupt In The Swiss Franc s Surge As most FOREX traders use heavy leverage, sudden move of 30 wiped their accounts actually left their accounts in debit and thus brokers lost money. However it is much easier making money trading stocks There has been a long-term uptrend in stocks for centuries. Now, to my particular recommendation. Every succesful investor has a strategy he follows Even Warren Buffett does the same thing over and over. Your strategy should be you want to be long stock-market most of the time There will be periods when you will be losing money e g 2001, 2008 But sooner or later you will be making money How much Around 9 per year Page on This is the annual average return you would make had you invested in S P 500 in 1928 However, there would be times when you would be losing a lot At year-end of 1932 your net worth would be 50,664 down from 100,000 with which you started Would you be able to resist the urge to withdraw the money and l eave the money work This is one of the greatest issues with investing Most people withdraw money in the drawdowns and hop on at market tops. Thus, once you are clear that you want to be long stocks, you can improve on passively holding stock-market index. You can achieve this by the combination of 2 factors stock selection and market-timing. Stock-selection can be very complicated and based on some discussions you can get the idea, that it would take years to study The reality is, it is not so complicated Based on the research, e g Quantitative Value, A Practitioner s Guide to Automating Intelligent Investment and Eliminating Behavioral Errors it does not really matter what ratio you use to calculate cheap stock Do you use Price Earnings Ratio or Price Book Well, in the long-term, the difference is negligible What matters is consistency Academics call these ratios factors Value factor can be defined as either Price Earnings Ratio or Price Book ratio There are more factors that matter, e g recently low-volatility factor gains prominence Why not all low-volatility stocks are equal There are more factors that exist, thus a good way to invest is to choose 2-4 factors and systematically choose e g 5 stocks based on each factor You do not have to choose new stocks very frequently, once per year is enough. Market-timing works and this has been proven This is accepted in academia and has been tested on over 200 years of market data in various academic papers, e g. You cannot improve much on classical moving-average, 200-day moving average will suffice Thus, each of the stocks that you bought e g 20 altogether , has its own moving-average, which you could recalculate every month If any of them is below its moving-average, you get rid of the stock. How does such strategy improve upon classical buy-and-hold It is hard to test since 1928 as fundamental data are not available, etc , but here is an example of comparison of such strategy with its benchmark index Quantpicker.22 7k Views View Upvotes Not for Reproduction. Who is an amateur. This is the big question An amateur is someone who is not an expert Lacks experience and still requires a lot of training Such an individual needs solid mentorship and training to become professional An amateur is likely to make a string of losses Trading demands you are nothing short of an expert or a professional Trading should be your first and last love. Can you make sustainable profit. Banks and other institution make significant profit on a daily basis from Vanilla Options trades in the FX market Retail traders across the globe book profits ranging from 100 to millions on a daily basis I personally have seen a trader book 90k in profits, that is Sterling not US in 6 months So to the mediocre, this is impossible To the amateur this is a dream or legend To the professional or expert, it is just another day in the office.6 3k Views View Upvotes Not for Reproduction. Why are there profitable traders in forex if it really is a zero-sum game. How can I make money through forex trading. Is it possible to earn profits on Forex trading with binary options signals. How do I get more profit from forex trading. What are the best strategies to make consistent profit at trading forex. Forex traders out there, what did you do when you first started out that made you trade profitably. As a forex trader can you give me some firsthand forex trading insight. Is it possible to make 50-100k per month in Forex trading. Why do Forex Traders need a trading plan. What is the best time of day to trade Forex for a novice trader. Where can I find a registered Forex trader to trade for me. Who are successful Forex traders. What is the average profit margin in forex trading. What is the best strategy a trader can use to become profitable as a Forex trader. How much can forex traders make a day. What is a meaningful capital amount for a new retail trader to start trading on forex. Can a forex trader also trade in the stock market. Do retail forex online trade rs really make money trading. Can I really make money with Trading Forex. Which is the best site to open my first FOREX account. Forex Scalping A Fundamental Explanation. Forex scalping caused hype recently NFA regulatory FIFO Many traders forex scalping primary method negotiation However, Forex scalping everyone, fact, mainly suited specific type operator. Forex scalping method negotiation trader makes profits quickly opening closing positions within minutes A business stay open scalped three five minutes, majority trades remaining open minute Scalping popular method commerce mainly inherent risk forex scalping minimized when Since trades open minimum time, danger fluctuating market smaller traditional commercial due low market exposure. Many traders focused concepts patterns scales, scalpers primarily concerned bid-ask spread The volatility currency markets, therefore, affects less scalpers trend follower trader. Scalper absolutely appropriate method trading traders Forex The profits scalpi ng obviously lower, depends Scalper profits opposed making jackpot specific position The technique reduces risk scalping trader, flip side, lowers potential great profit When perks scalper combined, money. Taking account human nature, Scalper must patient diligent individual willing forego immediate gratification desire, wait patiently trading account grows An enthusiastic impulsive achieve nothing scalping, fact, blood pressure frustration certainly increase. Another feature necessary successful scalping high level concentration While traders may open position, dinner, come close position based recent market changes, Scalper focused open positions time, finger trigger preparation next move It requires serious attention span ability stick single screen period time. If you re professional full trading side, must realize scalping technique may suit schedule There always automatic option traders, dangerous option, discussed before A trader believes scalping method consider semi-automatic sys tems scalping With tool, scalp require stay glued screen full-time, require high level attention. The importance consistency. Forex trading general, requires consistency operator This phenomenon amplified comes scalpers Trading unpredictable positions inevitably lead closure trading account The method scalping, all, based principle profits overwhelm losses This does necessarily work open transactions, lose Keep business consistently, greedy, likely benefit technique scalping meet above requirements. Click Here FINALLY Forex actually WORKS. After Testing More 500 trading systems, XPP ONLY software I LIVE. WELCOME TO OUR GUESTS SHREDDERFX IS NAILING THE PIPS WITH HARMONIC WAVE CONVERGENCE 30-MIN AND 4-HOUR TRADING PIP MACHINES AND NOW WITH SBT - the SHREDDER BURST TRADE SYSTEM FOR SHORT TERM TRADING REGISTER TODAY TO SECURE YOUR FOREX FUTURE CLASSES TAUGHT LIVE VIA WEBINAR AND AVAILABLE VIA 24 7 RECORDED ARCHIVES. Are you FINALLY ready to make some REAL MONEY CONSISTENTLY as a Forex trader Are you ready to reclaim the vision you had when you were first introduced to the Forex Are you sick of the road that s going nowhere that you ve been taken down so far Then it s time to get out of the old paradigm step-up to Harmonic Wave Convergence, and transform your currency trading once and for all. Greetings, my name is Steve if interested, there s a link for more about me later at this website , and I am a Forex trader Let s get one thing from the Negative Nelly gallery out of the way right at the start because there s always one that will ask So Steve, if you are such good trader, why are you selling a strategy on the Internet Ever hear of guy named Donald Trump Did you know he is a billionaire Did you ever see him on late-night television, promoting and selling his real estate investment courses I guess he just couldn t do a business deal so he has to revert to selling courses on infomercials yes, sarcasm duly noted We do it because we can We do it because it generates passive inc ome while we do our principal business for me, that means while I am working on trade set-ups or sleeping, or helping traders I can also be making money We also do it to truly help other people I ve been a coach all my life be it in the corporate arena growing executive managers or coaching sports teams Coaching is in my blood Enough said Get a life, please. But I will tell you that I am totally different than just about any other trader promoting a course or program on the Internet, because I won t use smoke-and-mirrors to appeal to your emotional side I despise that when it s done to me in turn, I won t do it to you I won t insult your intellect at that level But if you ARE serious about being a consistently profitable Forex trader, I will walk you through some pretty amazing realities, and then you can make an educated decision as to whether you wish to join me or not. In fact, I ll tell you right up front, this promotional website is just as much, if not more, educational, than it is marketing If you manage to read through everything, you ll see that s the case. But without marketing hyperbole flowing, let me truly say, You have never, ever, seen anything like this before. It s hard for me to contain my passion, because what I ve put together is something that has totally changed the way I trade and I didn t realize, until after-the-fact, that what happened is that I moved out of one trading paradigm and into another And the one I left behind is the one that makes 95 of all Forex traders fail And you can do exactly the same thing But you are going to have to leave that old paradigm behind in order to move forward just understand, blindly following that old paradigm is why 95 of all traders fail I am no great genuis and I surely cannot take credit for Shredder all by myself You see, this system is very much a Frankenstein but the pieces all had something very distinctly and significantly the same, which is why when re-assembled in Shredder, they yield the results tha t they do and that something special is that all the pieces, in some way, touch on the reality of how price moves in the market on the charts and that is something very, very few traders have ever witnessed. So, right from the start, I am going to disclose the fact that you will not be able to buy my program today, and be trading it tomorrow Those that will convince you otherwise in their promotions also have some great swampland in Florida they d like to sell you The reality is, trading the Forex is a life skill and like all life skills, you are going to need quality education, practice, a lot of repetition, reinforcement and encouragement, and someone who truly cares about your long-term success Our Shredder Program is all that and more. I m going to get right in your face and help you understand something you cannot buy a Holy Grail system Your ego may have you believing that you know enough about trading, and the only thing you are missing is that special setting for the MACD and the CCI, and which moving average cross to use on what time period, or some green-light red-light dashboard based upon the latest artificial intelligence neural-trading pattern recognition software, or whatever in other words, at this point, you feel that all you need is the model to trade, and then you will find trading success Of course and unfortunately there are many marketers who understand this reality, so they will feed your ego s thoughts, and entice you with great emotional appeal to attract you to their trading model that makes such great pips or such great dollars and all but convince you that is all you need to retire on mounds of pips and then on top of it all - in order to create fear-of-loss or fear-of-forfeiture, they ll have a counter at their website and tell you there s only 1,000 copies available so after all, you better buy that thing right now before it s taken off the market But guys, it s not their model or system or robot that you really need You need to be a comp lete trader And while this website will share the science and strategy we use, understand it is wrapped-into our training which is designed to transition you into that complete trader Only then may you possibly find consistent profits and the kind of financial reward you first dreamed about having with the Forex So if you are looking to purchase something today, trade it tomorrow, and quit your job next week I really don t want your money, because it would be disingenuous to suggest that was possible Trading currency IS a life skill, and it will take some time If you are ready to accept that fact AND are looking at what might probably be the BEST vehicle to do it, then I want to welcome you to the REAL WORLD of currency trading and I invite you to join us for the remainder of your Forex journey. Long before Shredder came along, I was just like every other green currency trade I felt the Forex held the answers for financial freedom and like most traders, after starting the process, I fou nd that freedom was somewhat elusive The hard part for me, was that I was doing what all the guru s said I should be doing There s nothing more frustrating than following a path that leads nowhere The trouble is, most of us were lead to believe the path we were being taken down would deliver our dreams Unfortunately, reality prevails, and as my Granddaddy used to say the proof is in the pudding - most Forex traders fail. So what do you do You merely jump to the next killer system out there But sometimes we have to laugh at ourselves I recently noticed a very high-profile Forex trader who had marketed his third system in less than 2 months Each one of the systems was the answer to Forex profits each system was selling only 1,000 copies and each system had the same templated website, bio information, etc So I started to think, If the system THIS WEEK is the answer , then the money I would have given him 6 weeks ago is wasted he surely wasn t offering credit for old purchases to buy the ne w product And, If the system I would have bought 6 weeks ago WAS the greatest strategy ever, what is he selling today And so it goes, most trading strategies being offered are merely marketing gimmicks - nothing but smoke and mirrors especially the ones that say, We made 800 pips last month trading Super Forex Killer Master Profits Accelerator Machine. The reality is, every single one of the offerings I have seen on the Internet in the last year are all part of the Old Paradigm It s trading inside the box And finding long-term, consistent success with those systems and strategies is going to be very frustrating, painful, expensive, and typically - elusive So before you give up or burn-out on the Forex, let me share something with you it just may be the right time, for the right answer, for you. Now, before I create an environment wherein I paint a picture like there was some overnight discovery, let me assure you nothing with what I am about to share occurred over night What I am going t o do is share a little with you about a strategy - a way of trading - that is called Shredder Shredder gets its name from surfing, skate boarding, and snow-boarding lingo but it truly started with surfing When you nailed a wave and milked it for what it had cutting back and forth with the movement of the wave , you shredded that wave Hence, a good surfer was a wave shredder We borrowed the concept, because the reality is, Forex price does move in waves and once you master your understanding of that wave movement, just like the surfer, you will dominate the waves and be the master of your financial destiny. Shredder has something that NO OTHER trading strategy in the market has, and that s the fact that it is 100 based on EXACTLY how price moves Now, other traders may argue their marketed-creations do the same, but I would then challenge you to challenge them with the things I will point out here, right in front of your eyes And by exploiting this reality, the Shredder trader may make 3X , 5X, even 10X the profit his fellow traders are making in the same trades, with the same downside risk, starting with the same account balance, scoring the same number of pips. The first thing to know is that Forex price movement is defined Price moves in harmonic channels All day long, price just moves inside these channels When price moves up or down rapidly, it merely jumps into the next price channel We ll teach you how to use these price channels to your advantage For now, just understand that they represent turn-arounds that you typically will not see with Pivots, trend-lines, even standard Fibonacci retracement levels And that means you ll be seeing something and using it to your advantage that 99 of most traders don t even see. Beyond moving in channels, there s even more things happening on those charts that most traders don t see There are also very specific boundaries for trend turn-over on every time period chart I reviewed 2,000 trend moves on four separate currency pairs o ver a two year span and looked at every moving average traded I readily discovered by magnitude over all the others which moving average totally nailed market turnover In fact, market turnover is so precise with this moving average that we ve come to call it the rolling Fibonacci , as whenever price consolidates or a trend change occurs, this moving average marks the spot Once this was discovered, I soon found that this moving average held other powerful attributes, as well For now, let s just understand that this moving average is a golden component of trading, as it is intricately related with precise harmonic movement of price, and very much correlated to Elliott Wave peaks and valleys. But we re not going to do anything as Mickey Mouse as moving average crosses They lag way too far even a Jurik or Hull to compete with the precision for entry that we have evolved with Shredder. Just with these two things the unique market-turnover point and the channels that price move within, you are equipped with something that you ve never had access to before, and this starts the foundation for why Shredder is so very powerful. Tied-into the power of these golden components is a profit-taking system that is unparalleled in the Forex Almost five years ago, I stumbled upon a targeting system that just seemed like it should work, but when plotting the targets and price action, I could see there was a pattern to just how those targets missed the exhaustion points in the trend So with a little further study, I was able to revise how to implement that targeting system The result is a targeting system with 8 targets that will typically nail 4 to 5 targets per move to-the-pip, and the remaining extremely close excepting those that totally get blown through in a hyper-extended, impulsive move For five years, I have challenged ANY trader to find me a more consistent and accurate targeting system if they did, I d trade it So far, that challenge has gone unmet The reason this targeting syst em is laser-precise again, 50 to 75 of the targets are met to-the-pip is because it is 100 based on harmonic movement price moves through This harmonic movement is a natural law, and like all natural laws, there are no exceptions Just like with the Law of Gravity, that apple will always fall from the tree T hat means this price movement and targeting accuracy occurs 24-hours a day, on EVERY currency pair Note the precision of these targets in the chart below. Trust me, the first time you have these targets on your chart and you see price come up and kiss your target, you will just sit back and let out a sigh So many traders have accepted that price moves randomly and that may explain the results they are getting but price truly moves with very defined harmonics - always has, and always will. In addition to some of the unique attributes I ve already pointed-out regarding price movement, there is one more major component to overview, and that is Harmonic Wave Convergence Now first and fore most, let me bring some clarity to the discussion Harmonic Wave Convergence and harmonic chart patterns are NOT the same thing at all Harmonic chart patterns Such as the Gartley 222 are visual cues for price movement side note if you are into harmonic chart patterns, we ll give you the ability to be much, much more precise in your PRZ s. Now, I m going to get a little technical here, but don t let that scare you away, because all I am doing is explaining the science behind understanding price reversals You don t need to know this in order to exploit it in your trading The easiest way to explain it is to use Elliott Wave as an example But wait, before you go off thinking we are all about Elliott Wave, we are not We DO use the attributes inherent in Elliott Wave We surely don t count waves at all for trade entry or profit-taking There is just a natural component of Elliott Wave that we have compiled into something powerful. At a simplistic level, Elliott Wave is all about understanding the structure of the wave movement at a particular level It is very defined, with a stringent set of rules that defines the count. But above, and below, the current wave count, are larger and smaller wave structures, respectively. In our example here circled in red, we are looking at an Elliott Wave 3 termination the blue waves The important thing to note is that there is a smaller wave count underneath, as well the purple waves. As a result, you will note in the blue 2 to 3 move, there is a smaller, purple 1-2-3-4-5 move Now here is the critical piece of information to understand that bigger level blue 3 wave CANNOT be complete until the lower level purple 5 wave is complete. The challenge for most traders, is actually recognizing the counts at the various time periods and wave level, and being able to put it all together. This is where Harmonic Wave Convergence takes over While maybe 1 in 100 traders has the visual and mathematical processing ability to scan several time periods worth of cha rts to get an idea of where the wave count is, it s still going to be somewhat generic in the sense that identifying a precise area of exhaustion is very hard to accomplish Otherwise, Elliott Wave would be ruling the charts today, and everyone would be trading it Like almost EVERY OTHER trend exhaustion or reversal system, Elliott Wave targeting suffers from too large of a reversal area excepting the 1 in 100 traders who can analyze sub-wave structure on the fly But we don t need to worry about any of that with Harmonic Wave Convergence HWC We don t have to busy ourselves examining several different time periods of candles to attempt to get a count to know where we are. Consider this simple analogy when you are ticking down the last few seconds of the 4th quarter clock in a football game, you can see, very accurately, how much time is left in the 60-minutes of regulation play You know when that 4th quarter clock reads 00 00, the larger, 60-minute game is over, as well This is precisely how HWC works. We measure Harmonic Wave Convergence with an indicator called MultiWave MultiWave is very powerful, in that it gives us analysis from several time periods not bar periods, but time periods and compiles it, and rather than lagging indicators like 99 of what most traders use , we have a real-time indicator Over the last year, and many, many hundreds of trades, we have fine-tuned MultiWave to the harmonics at play As a result, we have an indicator which SIMULTANEOUSLY measures the strength of the primary and subwave structures - at the same time, and allows us to visually see when they have BOTH gone to completion or exhaustion When they do, we have a reversal signal for trade-entry in a very precise zone Note both the primary and subwave going to trend exhaustion in the example below. At first, it was pretty easy to see the extremes that MultiWave would show us We ve looked at literally hundreds of moves, all pairs, and have calibrated our scale and extreme touch-lines to co rrespond with the naturally occurring exhaustion points of price in these moves for both the primary and subwaves involved But as we moved on in our trading, we discovered something, which should have been a no-brainer from the beginning Price doesn t just move in harmonic waves to exhaustion, ALL OF PRICE MOVEMENT is harmonic As a result, we can totally differentiate in a pull-back whether it is a mere retracement, or an outright reversal These are the points where all traders fear, because they just don t know which way price is going But we do We can tell when price is reaching, and it appears to be an extreme, that it has much more reach left Again, these are the points in time in price movement where your peer traders cannot tell what is going on So what we discovered, was where the trends precisely end, and what is happening for the most part in between. What I am saying is that the harmonic movement in price is not readily seen in the candlesticks, but it shows up like lines on a polygraph in the MultiWave indicator It creates patterns that repeat and repeat and repeat And when we see a particular pattern, we know precisely what price is doing next As I stated, it s about as close to a crystal ball as you can get. Now, Shredder is NOT just about MultiWave, we have also spent 5-years developing the most comprehensive support and resistance system in the Forex marketplace As such, price will turn-around on one of our S R components about 98 of the time Better said, it very rarely turns around in black space and leaving us wondering why or white space if you have a white background on your charts When you combine MultiWave and our S R system, you have a very unique feature of Shredder, that TOTALLY SEPARATES SHREDDER FROM ANYTHING ELSE IN THE MARKET bar none. Now here is the real power of that statement, because the fact we have such a narrowly defined turn-around zone, we can use extremely tight stops So it s time for a lesson on risk, lot and position sizing, and how you can earn 3X, 5X, even 10X what your peers are earning off the same moves, with no more downside risk than they have Guys, if you are not understanding the power of this, I don t think you re ever going to make it as a trader. You see, here s why almost every system or model being marketed is using smoke-and-mirrors, and not being straight with you because the results they talk about are not nearly as fantastic as they make them seem I ll show you how to debunk their marketing tactics right here and now. So how do you measure the effectiveness of a trading system Is with the pips it gains Is it with the dollars it gains Is it the ROI I ll show you how you cannot use these benchmarks UNLESS you level the playing field Most of these other guys out there are using smoke-and-mirrors because they do NOT want to level the playing field, in fact, they don t even want you to see what field they are playing on Now just so you understand, it is not my desire to talk-down about the competit ion, but I have to show you what they are doing in order for you to see the power in what you can be achieving if you were trading with our Shredder Trader Program It s called differentiation, and it s why you ll want Shredder and nothing else once you understand this important reality. So, to our lesson on leveling the playing field The only way I have never known to do that is to measure, side-by-side, controlled parameters along with how the system trades If we can do that, we have a vehicle for measuring performance across various system models. So, let s take 2 traders, Trader A and Trader B, with Trader B being you as a Shredder trader. So, here s how will control the comparison by giving Trader A and Trader B the same parameters. Both have 2000 in their trading accounts Both want to use 3 risk in their trade Both are trading in a mini-account wherein the value of 1-pip is 1 00 which is true for USD based pairs such as the EUR USD. The ONLY difference then, in the comparison, is what their system says they should use for their stop-loss. So Trader A s system says he must use a 30-pip stop-loss Our Shredder trader, Trader B, is going to use our Shredder 10-pip stop-loss. So let s calculate exactly how many lots each trader can put into the trade to stay within their 3 risk strategy. Trader A is risking 3 of 2000, or 60 He has a 30-pip stop-loss, so we know that if he gets stopped-out, it will cost him 30 per lot in the trade 30 pips in the stop, times 1 for the value of 1 pip Since he is risking 60, this means Trader A can put 2 lots into his trade and maintain his maximum 3 risk in the trade.3 X 2000 60 30-pips in the stop X 1 pip 30 in 1 lot in the stop loss 60 max risk 30 per lot in the stop 2 lots available to trade. Trader B, our Shredder trader, is also risking 3 of 2000, or 60 He has a 10-pip stop-loss, so we know that if he gets stopped-out, it will cost him 10 per lot in the trade 10 pips in the stop, times 1 for the value of 1 pip Since he is risking 60, this means Trader A can put 6 lots into his trade and maintain his maximum 3 risk in the trade.3 X 2000 60 10-pips in the stop X 1 pip 10 in 1 lot in the stop loss 60 max risk 10 per lot in the stop 6 lots available to trade. So, now we have both traders with the same size account, risking the same in the trade, but having different amounts of lots they can put in the trade dictated 100 by how their model trades and the stop-loss required by that model. So, what you see here is pretty powerful Both traders are risking the same 3 in the trade In other words, if they both get stopped out in their trades, they both lose 3 of their account However, because Trader A has to spread his risk over more pips in the stop-loss, he is only able to put 2 lots into the trade therefore when he gains 50 pips, he makes 100 Trader B has the same parameters and risk, except with Shredder, he only needs a 10-pip stop loss, and this allows him to have 6 lots in the trade for the same downside risk as Trader A Thus , when he gets his 50-pip gain, he makes 300.Now guys, I am not sure how you want to do your math, but it s staring you in the face The Shredder trader, in this example, has 3X the amount of lots in the trade, so he s going to make 3x the profit in the trade losing the SAME amount, however, if they both lose the trade. Now, if you stop here, you re showing signs you don t comprehend the power of the Forex because the Forex, from the start, is all about leverage You see, what happens next is Trader A and Trader B go looking for their next trades, but now when they put 3 into the trade, Trader B has a little bit more cash to deal with, which means he can place even more lots into the trade Yes, his 3 now becomes more than Trader A s 3 , but his account balance grows much faster, as well In fact, in a mathematical exercise, you d see the rapid increase in Trader B s account balance Now what makes this even more interesting, is if you extend the exercise to allow Trader A to win EVERY TRADE , 100 of the time improbable , and allow Trader B to win only 66 of the time significantly below experienced averages , there is still a huge advantage to Trader B quite huge For me, once I saw this, I could never go back to a system that had 30-pip, 50-pip, even 100-pip stop-losses I could have a significantly lower win-ratio s and still tromp-all over my old system, even if I was trading it to perfection Guys, if you don t get how this works on the mental side of the game, I guess you ll have to wait for my book to come out. Both Traders starting with 2,000 mini account. Both Traders using 3 risk in trade. Trader A with 30 Pip SL Trader B with 10 Pip SL. Both Traders gaining 50-pips in a trade. Both Traders 100 for 10 trades in a row. Trader A 100 Trader B 66 for 10 trades. Both Traders 100 for 20 trades in a row. Trader A 100 Trader B 66 for 20 trades. So, what you see here is pretty powerful wouldn t you agree. This is the ULTIMATE POWER of Harmonic Wave Convergence, MultiWave, and Shredder It is a profit accelerator in the truest sense. Now, for those of you trading systems with 50-pip or 100-pip stop-losses yes, that means you could be making 5X, even 10X the profit in the same sized trades. And let s establish one thing right here and now, the reason you have to use a 100-pip stop-loss is because your turnaround area is so large and imprecise or in the case of pro-trend traders, you just don t know exactly where you re getting in on the trend move By having Harmonic Wave Convergence on our side, it s like we have a microscope to that turn-around. So, what about those smoke-and-mirrors you were referring to. Okay, here s the first example Check out the profit made and being promoted. I was pretty impressed with the results this guy was promoting, especially since later in his website he states that you can get started in the Forex for just 300 Now, both statements are probably true I will take his word that he made that profit, and it is true you can start trading the Forex for under 300.But I know something about profit and gains, and 6K is awesome, so he is to be congratulated But, one thing else at his site, the video for the trade that made the 6K used a 185-pip stop-loss So I wrote him and asked about the risk he had in the trade He responded, 3 By doing back calculations account balance X risk, using stop-loss and pips gained I was able to see that in order to make his 6,481 in the trade that went 490-pips, his account before the trade had to be over 66,000 WOW. You see, I knew this, because with a 185-pip stop, you have to have TONS of money to cover the stop and yet have enough to put some lots in the trade And if that TONS of money is only 3 of the account, the account has to be pretty fat So, the emotional appeal being used here is to entice you with 6,481 57 Profit in 15-minutes at that , and yet being told you can start trading the Forex for only 300 I believe this system will do 100 of what the promoter says it does, consistently, and with hig h-percentages of wins I am not contesting that at all I m just suggesting that promoting 6481 gains and not telling you that in order to do that with his system you need 66,000 to start because of the size stops required but then telling you that you can start trading the Forex for as little as 300 well, that just might be interpreted by some as misleading But I ll let you decide on your own. This is HOW you have to compare systems Apples to apples Dollars gained mean NOTHING if you don t know the underlying stop-loss and risk-exposure being used We just proved that. It s not uncommon to see signal service providers put pip-gains front-and-center on their websites Signal service providers will use the smoke-and-mirrors I have been referring to, as they seldom share with you their recommended stop-loss size UNTIL you subscribe to their services Let s say a signal service claims they make 800-pips a month such as in our screen-shot of a signal provider s website above Many of them use 50-p ip to 100-pip stops, but let s be conservative and say we find one that uses a 50-pip stop-loss I saw an example with the above provider using a 60-pip stop-loss. Since we are trading with 1 5 the stop-loss, we can make the same profit with 1 5 the pips gained In other words, for the signal service promoting 800-pips a month well, as Shredder traders, we can make the SAME PROFIT with only a 160-pip gain again, because we are putting our risk in a much tighter stop-loss, we can trade more lots All of a sudden, that 800-pips a month doesn t sound so spectacular, does it. Now, to reassure you that I am not using smoke-and-mirrors myself, once you learn to trade using Harmonic Wave Convergence and MultiWave, you ll be experiencing an 80 to 85 win ratio Even here, I have to be careful, because we are typically talking about a win being something at least greater than 5-pips With most other systems, you measure them by winning percentages and nothing more With Shredder, while we can discuss wi nning percentages, it s what s on the other side of the equation that is so cool You see, while we have about 80 wins, our 20 are not losers Pretty nifty, huh. With MultiWave, once we are in a trade, and not yet far enough to move our stop to a break-even point, we have the ability to know whether we were in at the right time or not I told you, MultiWave is a real-time indicator, and it never stops giving us feedback about what is going on So unlike most with-the-trend traders, who NEVER take themselves out of a bad trade before they are stopped-out in fact, that is what they are taught , a Shredder trader has an indicator that says, Whoops, you got in a tad early, exit now at -1 pip and avoid the loss , or This is not a reversal, it s a retracement, time to bank those 8-pips and get out So, of the 20 of our trades that are non-winners, you typically might see about 5 to 7 being outright losers running the 10-pip stop , and the remaining 15 being break-even slush somewhere between -3 an d 3 We don t really count those 1, 3 as winners, nor do we count -1 as a loser, because their impact is very nominal in the grand scheme of things and they balance themselves out. The reason we have break-even trades is because anytime our criteria is there, we can take the trade, and then MultiWave will tell us whether to STAY or EXIT and once you learn that you can swing the bat, and even if you miss, it not count as a strike, you start swinging that bat more and more and more. Oh, and NO we don t sit all day on our charts You only need to tend to the entry, we have solid money management and harmonic targets for profit taking the remainder of the trade, most of which can be automated either by the trading station being used, or with alert notifications And as far as being called to the charts when there is a trade, our ProCharts have alerts which can notify you via email or straight to your cell phone, that a trade entry is setting up I m very often out back by the pool with with my k ids, not staring at charts I ll get an alert if there is a trade setting up Now for me, that s true trader lifestyle. And, the REAL ultimate power of Shredder is that it can be traded on any time frame More about this later. The Shredder indicators are very powerful at isolating trend exhaustion points, as well as trend analysis - determining trend continuation after a reversal In addition to MultiWave itself, we have two other technologies that measure Harmonic Wave Convergence from different angles our MultiWave-X and our MultiWave-W Here s an example of our MultiWave-W indicator, again, nailing a price turn-around. We don t use the indicators to exit a trade once we have moved our stop-loss to break-even The only way we leave a trade after that point is to be profitted-out it s not appropriate to say I was stopped-out if you made 85 pips when you are exited from the trade so when we get stopped-out in profit, we call it being profitted-out We may get more signals for trade entries ONCE we are ALREADY in a trade, or even a signal in the opposite direction, or a no-signal it doesn t matter, once we are in a trade, we use the harmonic price targets we discussed above those gold targets lines in the graphic several pictures above because they attract price like magnets and there is nothing more accurate We get in a trade, and essentially hand that trade off to our Junior Trading Assistant what we call, our money management map, the targeting system , and go looking for more trades in either direction We just keep swinging the bat, again, because even when we swing and miss, it rarely counts as a strike And when you know you can swing and it not hurt you, you tend to take just about every trade that meets the criteria there s minimal hesitation - totally unlike most other systems where there is often major stress at trade entry time Shredder truly works on building confident traders. There s so much more I can show, but I have to put a limit on it somewhere, or I ll end u p teaching you our full-day introductory class right here but I do want to share one more innovation that you will not see any other trader having, and this is the MultiWave-X indicator for Shredder MultiWave-X is a dedicated indicator, that plots 3 separate indicators in the same channel, each having a very powerful yet different piece of information regarding the current trend - it s strength, longevity, and exhaustions, and it also has 4 trend-bars at the top Those 4 trend-bars are in themselves FOUR different indicators that have been tuned to give you a read regarding trend strength and continuation possibilities So when all is said and done, our MultiWave-X indicator is one, visually-easy to read indicator, that is actually SEVEN indicators in one Compare that to loading up your chart with multiple indicators, and having to manage the visual cues from that MultiWave-X is a charting innovation and it s only available with our Shredder Trader Course and Program. What I really like a bout the trend bars, is I can place any time-periods trend via the trend-bars on any chart I want As an example, if I am trading the 30-minute chart, I can put the 4-hour trend analysis on that 30-minute chart, and see how the 30-minute candles are performing inside the larger trend It s EXTREMELY powerful. Shredder Traders KNOW What Price is Doing Their Counterparts Are Just Guessing or hoping That s What REAL-TIME Indicators Will Do For, Too. That s right while our fellow traders are stressing over the situation, ShredderFX traders are relaxed, in control, and managing their trades And that s mainly because our peers are sitting there with lagging indicators and big, fat stop-losses, and we are the only ones using true, REAL TIME indicators navigating our way through reversals, retracements, and extended reaches like in a hyper-extended, impulsive move Check out this quick 5-minute video to see the ONE spot that creates MORE stress for your typical traders than anywhere else in their t rading, and this is just ONE of several places ShredderFX Traders have a distinct advantage See for yourself here. So, let me summarize some of the REAL power within Shredder, and I readily encourage and challenge you to look at this attributes when compared to other trading systems, strategies, or models in the marketplace. Shredder trades off Harmonic Wave Convergence a naturally occurring price movement within the charts that most traders do not see But we ll show you in the Shredder Trader Program how this is a natural law of price movement, and as such, can be exploited readily for profit once you understand it. Shredder has a consistent and high-percentage entry that is based on real-time information and when that entry is early, Shredder tells us so we can exit the trade minimizing potential losses. Shredder s entry is extremely tight In most other competing strategies, the trader s risk is spread-out over exceedingly large, profit-stealing stop-losses of 30, 50, or 100 pips This is the power behind Shredder, the ability to have extremely profitable pips as we have demonstrated above, a pip is not a pip you have to measure the profit in that pip. Shredder s Support and Resistance component of the strategy doesn t have any holes, in fact, price won t turn around unless landing on one of our S R lines at least 98 of the time you know your S R has holes if price turns around on you and you didn t know why it did, where it did. Shredder has a price targeting component so precise, that trade-after-trade, you witness the system s targets being at the exact locations price either exhausts or completely reverses and therefore, creating the optimal location to take some profit out of the trade Shredder can do this because it is the only system which trades based on how price truly moves, in precise harmonic fashion And nothing else has ever come close the 5-year challenge has not been beat. Shredder also uses leak-proof money management, so the only way the trader can have e quity curves that retreat is if the trader knowingly defies the Shredder risk and money management rules handed to him her. Shredder is designed to work with, and grow, the trader s psychological side, which is the largest component of trader success Think of this, when you lose a trade with a 50-pip stop, how hard is it to pull the trigger the next time With Shredder, you know with just a measly 10-pips, you are back in profit It s amazing what this does for your emotional state as a trader. Unlike other strategies which state the same, Shredder truly can be started, trading live, with nominal capital because of our tight stop-losses. Because Shredder trades based on wave structure exhaustion, which occurs all hours of the day, every day, every season, you will never say like you hear said about other models This isn t a good time to trade , or The market moves funny this time of year , etc You can trade Shredder for good profit any time of the day, any day of the month, any month of the year. Shredder s own suite of Harmonic Wave Convergence measuring indicators, MultiWave, can only be found with the ShredderFX Trader Program. Shredder can be traded, without changes, on any time frame the trader desires to trade this breaks the current paradigm thinking where you have to trade short-term charts first In other models, most of the time, the longer period charts are not tradeable for newer traders because of the size stop-loss required, and the trader not yet having that kind of capital With Shredder, whether it s a 30-minute, 4-hour, even a Daily trade, we use the same 10-pip stop-loss entry. Shredder is so complete, so consistent, and such a breath of relief for most traders that every trader who learns it wants to share it with others - not with collecting affiliate commissions as their primary objective but to actually help other traders escape the limiting paradigm they ve been trading in and now finally having some potential to reach their dreams. So, if any of this s ounds appealing, then I encourage you to join us as a Shredder trader On the other hand, if you d rather be courted with smoke-and-mirrors that tug at your emotions rather than your intellect, then click on one of those links in the emails sitting in your inbox and we can part ways right now. Steve, If You Are Boo-Hoo ing Sites That Promote Pips, How Do You Measure Shredder s Performance. I was waiting for that question because at this point, you re far-enough along to understand how these other guys are using those smoke-and-mirror tactics to sort of deceive you, but you re also now curious as to how Shredder really can stack up So, totally a fair question. First, lets review what we do know you can t use pips as your measure in looking at performance UNLESS you know the size of the stop-loss traded, because only then you can start to equate it to Shredder s performance, with our 10-pip stop-loss. Second, and what should be somewhat intuitive for the seasoned trader at this point, is that anybody who reports XYZ-pips gained is not only not telling you the entire story because you need to know the size of their stop-loss , but they are also not accurately reflecting what actually happens with a trade - because a serious trader does not stay full-boat in their trades In other words, as a trade goes in your favor, you leg-down to secure profit along the way As an example, if you had 2 lots in a trade, and took the 1st lot out at 50-pips and then closed the 2nd lot out at 100-pips how would your report that It s not accurate to state I made 100-pips , because that s not truly what you achieved The reality is, you averaged 75-pips per lot traded, and that is a more accurate reflection of how to report your trading, other than ROA Return On Account or ROI. So, back to the question, how does Shredder perform. It does very well, thank you As a representative example, let s look at a trade our Shredder traders took in our Online Coaching Room see below This graphic comes right ou t of our Introductory ShredderFX-30 Class. In this trade, we entered The GBP with 3 risk, which was 14 lots, with our 10-pip stop-loss Our first harmonic target was 49-pips away, at which time we took profit on 7 of our lots we ll teach you WHY we do that in the full-day class We skipped the 2nd target, because price was moving straight through the target At the third target, we took profit on 2 lots the 2nd and 3rd target lots We skipped the 4th target, again, as price moved right through it At the 5th target, we took the profit for target 4 and 5 And so on through our 8th target We made 1275-pips with all 14 of our lots in the trade, and thus averaged just over 91-pips per lot in the trade In our mini account, that was a 1275 profit against less than a 150 risk, starting with a 5000 balance - yielding over a 25 return This entire trade took less than a day from start to finish How many trades like this do you need per month. Now, I would be deceiving you if I said every trade goes like the one above, because they do not Some are 1 some are -2, many are 30 to 100 But in most of the majors and exotics, there are typically about 12 to 15 trades like the one above each month You won t catch them all, because we all have lives jobs, families, time to sleep, community service, etc , but you don t need to be in all of them in order to create an excellent, Top-5 kind of lifestyle. But that s the standard Shredder trade You can also nail the extremes if you want by merely trading on shorter term charts Here s an example of hundreds-of-pips available on one pair Remember, these are very profitable pips, because they were entered with 10-pip stops remember, if we make 200-pips with Shredder, a trader using a 50-pip stop-loss, using same account balance and same risk in trade, would have to make 1,000-pips to make the same kind of profit. What you should notice with Shredder regardless of whether you are in mid-term, short-term, or long-term trades is the true power of Shredder t rading incredibly low risk and extremely high yield. Shredder is so flexible, I have traders that do nothing but use it to scalp lower-time period charts all day One trader goes to his basement trading pit when his wife goes to work in the morning, and comes back up when she comes home in the evening It s essentially his 9-to-5 He does between 8 and 12 trades typically a trading day, each one netting him 10 to 20 pips He gets in and gets out, and looks for the next trade It suits his style. I have traders that use our ProCharts Shredder alerts, and only come to the charts when they are told email, SMS text message there is a trade set-up some folks keep those alerts on 24 6, others just during the times of day they wouldn t mind going to the charts. I have traders that use our longer-term version of the same system, trading 4-hour charts staying in trades much larger and longer, and giving themselves more lifestyle again, some use the 4-hour alerts, some don t. So what you have is a comple te variety of abilities to make pips, based on your trading desires and objectives and your lifestyle commitments The powerful thing to note, is that Shredder accommodates just about every kind of trader Once you start trading Shredder, you ll be taking away any ceilings you previously might have conceived in regards to your profit-making abilities. Can You Really Start Trading With Just 300.Unlike other products sites, where they show 6,481 results in a trade that require 66,000 in capital , I will TRULY show you how with Shredder style trading, you can obtain excellent returns indeed with lower capitalization I don t believe in showing a report that makes 20,000 for several reasons First, if the result is due to a large account balance to start as in our 6481 profit reviewed earlier , it is not an accurate representation to also state that one can get started for 300 Yea, a broker will let you open a live trading account, but what results do you get if you apply that trading system to the 300 Secondly, large results can be obtained by using excessive risk in a trade Shredder risk management recommends no more than 1 to 2 in most trades As such, what I think is preferable to show, is what everybody uses to lure a customer Yes, you can start trading the Forex with less than 300 , but then to show a trading report for someone actually starting with just that in their account In this example of mine from last year, I actually started the 2nd day of the month with a 250 balance in this one account The month actually started with 5 and I deposited 245 to make it an even 250.So, to those that say, I don t have the kind of money that it takes to make money by trading , you just haven t traded ShredderFX yet Staring with 250, and less than 90-days later, that 250 is 4,500.THE SHREDDER TRADER PROGRAM. The Shredder Trader Program should really be renamed Forex Traders University , because we don t just teach a strategy, our curriculum and on-going coaching create well-rounded traders, who have the skills and emotional discipline to potentially be in the top 2 of all currency traders We ve been trading and teaching many aspects of Shredder trading for several years, but truly have formalized most of our approach on the education side in 2008 - 2009 We use a live-instructor approach, as we have discovered this to be the most effective for the vast majority of traders I ve personally been involved in two previous, large Forex training organizations In the first, I had one of the largest, direct-referred trading groups in the company In the second, I was Director of Training and Development And now, with my own training company the bottom line, I ve been associated either directly or indirectly with the training of over 12,000 traders I ve seen what has made successful traders, and I have seen what leads to failure My conclusion, with very, very few exceptions, is that a trader is not going to learn to trade on their own There s many reasons for this, but the l argest is the trader s own psychological side will work against him in the long run in this regard I can spend 8 hours on this subject alone. This observation just validates everything else we see in life whether it be car mechanics, plumbers, pilots, NFL quarterbacks, or doctors they all have coaches to move them through their learning experience I know if my kid s going under the surgeon s knife, I want that surgeon to have learned his trade from a mentor, not some PDF download or CD set We ve also found our most powerful teachings, the ones that our traders report back to us were the most powerful, come from live, instructor-led sessions Not CD s not PDF s not video archives So, our culture reduces itself to a combination of full-day classes 4 to 6 hours typically sometimes longer held throughout the month, combined with ongoing, daily mentoring via our Online Coaching Rooms OCR s We also have a 24 6 traders chatroom, where Shredder traders can gather, socialize, and discuss trade se t-ups and live trades We do provide visual slide downloads for most of the full-day class sessions for the attendees, but are aware the best instruction takes place in live settings. Our daily OCR s are a mixture of instruction, trade set-up, review of previous trades since the last session, live-trading if there is a trade setting up during the OCR time frame, we ll talk about how to trade it , and most importantly, review and discussion of any traders questions We ve found our best and most enlightening sessions have come from answering traders questions We have daily OCR s every morning of the trading week, and several nights throughout the week, and continue to expand that schedule And, we have OCR s for both newer traders to our strategy, as well as more advanced traders. Here s a recorded Advanced OCR Coaching Session There are two teachings in this OCR The first, we were reviewing a trader s entry into a trade that was early, and showing how we could get out without being stopped - out something COMPLETELY unique to our strategy The second part of the OCR was showing an entry into a trade for which I had eight 8 separate components pointing to a reversal entry and all 8 had the entry to withing a 3-pip window As a side note, that entry so far has been good for over 430-pips in just a couple of days and with our 10-pip stop loss, so it would take 2,150 pips if you were using a 50-pip stop loss to make the same kind of profit Guys, I m telling you, Shredder Rules Here s the OCR download page. Update To The Video You Just Watched Now, if you took the time to watch that video download, especially the second-half, where I discuss the 8-points that made up a really strong PRZ you ll enjoy this follow-up only 5-minutes long which shows the result of that set-up and trade This is an active link, just left-click here Don t bother if you haven t seen the video download above first. Bottom line, if you are not coachable, our program is not for you On the other hand, if you ar e ready to make some solid progress with your Forex journey, we invite you to join us. While we have a prevailing strategy and trading system Shredder , our program is extremely comprehensive and is designed to create the ultimate technical trader All of the following classes are included with the Shredder Program. Class 1 ShredderFX-30 The intro to Harmonic Wave Convergence the science of how price moves and exhausts at price points NOT to be confused with Harmonic Chart Patterns So we have Harmonic Wave Convergence HWC , which pinpoint those turn-arounds to within 3 to 5 pips In the ShredderFX-30 class, we teach several things, including HOW price moves, HWC, and our sophisticated S R system which captures 98 of ALL price turnarounds. Personality and Psychological Considerations in Trading including use of your trader s journal, as well as a life journal what baggage you bring to the charts from your past, dealing with ego, and much more. Class 3 Advanced money management again, taught b y traders who had to learn money management the hard way, because no one else was teaching real money management when they were learning to trade Here, we ll work you through risk management, and managing your core equity so your losing months are something of the past. Advanced Fibonacci techniques there s so much more than 38 2 , 50 0 , and 61 8 we get deep into retracements, projections, and extended retracements, including all the magic numbers that price runs to on the charts that most traders have never seen. Advanced Trend Lines Median Sets Pitchforks. Elliott Wave and - Harmonic Chart Patterns I believe our Elliott Wave class is one of the best I ve attended EW classes that cost 2,000, and I know we cover the material better during the class, and in post-support We don t bog you down with the technicals that you don t need, but instead focus on the proven aspects that create better targeting and confidence in our traders. We also include what many people sell as stand alone courses for Harmonic Chart Patterns However, we like our implementation better, because most Harmonic Chart Patterns do not give you a very tight reversal zone when you combine Harmonic Chart Patterns AND Harmonic Wave Convergence, you have something powerful. Goal Setting and Achievement for Forex Traders Goal setting is a real science and requires the commitment of the trader in order to achieve success in trading we cover all aspects of goal setting, including tying in with trader s journals and life journals and the distinction between working on the technical side and the self-development side. Class 8 ShredderFX-240 This is our implementation of longer-term and lifestyle trading available via what you learned in ShredderFX-30 and had a chance to practice in your demo trading account More advanced indicators pinpoint trades even better, and give the trader selectivity and lifestyle We ll cover MultiWave-X s three components LateBreak, The LC Wave, and X-wave, the newly introduced 4-D Trend Bars, as well as MultiWave-W and our unique Multi-Wave Merge. Class 9 Shredder Burst Trading SBT System ShredderFX uses Harmonic Wave Convergence HWC to isolate the natural movement of price We ve continued to advance the use of HWC and now also have a short-term implementation for those who want to also or either scalp, momentum, or intra-day trade short-term charts In addition to SBT being supported in the advanced OCR sessions, we also have a SBT Live Trading Room. And Since 2012 ALL of our live, full-day, instructor-led classes are recorded and available 24-7-365 in our PAT PipClub Archived Training Library This means, no matter what your job, life, community, sleeping, social calendar looks like, you can still attend the very same classes as our traders who attended the live, full-day classes Even better, you can stop and review, go back, and do things one can t do in a live training class So now, we ve taken away the excuses about the schedule Now, if you are committed to being a serious, consistent trader, we have the program and it is accessible to you AT YOUR CONVENIENCE. Nothing about our program is static We evolve the classes based on our personal trading, feedback we get in the OCR s, and our sense of the progress our traders are making. Most of the day classes have 9AM eastern start times We are enhancing our schedule to include both evening and weekend class offerings, as well. Throughout ALL our classes, we do something NO ONE else does, and that is work EVERY DAY on the trader psychological growth our system was designed with that in mind, as your ultimate success in trading is 15 chartism technicals and 85 psychological You must have a system that works which we definitely have , but you must also grow the self We work very diligently on that every day, in every session. We do not teach our classes all at once We offer the SFX-30 and SFX-240 at-least once a month, the remainder about every 4 to 6 weeks, or when we sense there is a need In the course of 90-days, you will have had a chance to sit through several of the Shredder 30 and 240 classes, as well as at least 1 or 2 of all the other classes. And remember, once you purchase our Shredder Trader Program, you can attend the classes any of them as many times as you desire. LIFETIME Access to our Online Coaching Room s Included. In addition to, and in support of our day-class efforts, we also have daily ongoing mentoring via our Online Coaching Rooms OCR s These sessions last anywhere from 60 to 90 minutes We give you 90-days of this daily OCR support with the Shredder Trader Program purchase This is the most effective way of learning to become a professional currency trader After the 90-days, you are still entitled to attend ANY of the full-day classes and your OCR subscription, if you elect continue to participate in our mentoring and coaching sessions and opt trade with one of our recommended broker IB s is only 129 per month. Also since 2012 we have archived our daily, ongoing coachi ng OCRs and put them in their own library, as well We keep a rolling 60-days of OCRS in the PAT-OCR library So now, once again, your schedule is not going to conflict with our daily coaching Any of the insight and technique we covered in that days online coaching rooms, you can view at your convenience We still recommend live attendance whenever possible, but now there s no excuse for anyone not to advance at paces that are averaging 5x faster than before we had our archived libraries.90-Days of Premium Tradign Charts ProCharts Included a 300 value in itself. Charting platforms is always a point of consideration for traders Over the years, we have used and reviewed many charting platforms Last year, we concluded that IntelliCharts are the best all-around, premium charting platform when it came to learning, advanced techniques, live trading, and use with the Shredder System We ve spent considerable time with FX Trek, the provider of IntelliCharts, and have a white-label version that has ALL of the Shredder Indicators built into the native code of the charts I cannot tell you how powerful this is There are many reasons we prefer IntelliCharts, including the powerful median set capabilities advanced trendlines, pitchforks and over all chart management We include 90-days of ProCharts with the Shredder Trader Program purchase If you elect to continue to use our ProCharts after the 90-days, your monthly chart cost is a mere 100 months There is NO promise to provide these charts, it s a best effort bonus We also run on a very popular set of wave charts, and Trading View charts It s PipClub s option to provide you with charts, and is NOT a part of the program purchase. We do have most elements of the current ShredderFX environment running on MT4 most of it, however some of the more advanced Shredder indicators are slightly different because of the nature of MT4 We would prefer to run on MT4 as our recommended platform for many reasons, but after having traded it there we used an experienced set of 30 MT4 currency traders in a large beta test pilot program , we realized it is not nearly as accurate as the ProCharts And, if you are going to be a true Shredder trader, you ll need to ditch most of your old paradigm, and that includes your MT4, too The problems with MT4 are many the datafeeds from the brokers gave consistently different prices MT4 candles on a 30-minute chart routinely gapped anywhere between 2 and 9 pips sometimes more different brokers use different end-of-day, which creates chaos on S R ranges formulated from the previous day s OHLC data, and so on It s hard to trade a precision-based system with our advanced users using 10-pip stop losses with the reality of how MT4 deals with price Lastly, the pride of most MT4 users a large customer indicator library serves no purpose in a paradigm which requires REAL TIME indicators Why would you need all those previous custom indicators when they are not of use to Shredder trust me, we ve been through t hem Why not use the same charts as the creator and most successful traders of the Shredder System And if it s price that has you concerned, if 127 a month for premium charts scares you because, after all, MT4 is free, we don t want you Not so much because we don t want you, it s just that level of mindset will not create a successful trader I couldn t be more clear And if you think I am saying that just for a few bucks from charts, please realize that for many years I directed MY traders to my COMPETITION to get their IntelliCharts meaning I was putting money in my competitors pockets rather than having my traders use free MT4 charts That s how strongly I feel about the difference in performance and eventual trader success between MT4 charts and our PipClub ProCharts the version of IntelliCharts for which we now have our system in the native code of the charts. Starting late 2015, we launched our PRIVATE CLOSED Facebook Group for PipClub Shredders This has been an outstanding support an d growth vehicle About 95 of all questions are answered by coaches or senior advanced Shredder Traders within minutes to hours It s also a great place to share trades good and bad and to get more insight or clarity from our trading community When those questions are complex, or trade reviews require deeper thought than a few words in a comment, the coaches will do a live recorded Coaching Session to bring clarity Our group also creates a nice social touch, as trading can be a lonely activity All in all, we have great time in this group, while we advance our trading We are adding new indicators to some of our charting platforms this year, and puttig even more focus no the head game stuff you WILL NOT get anywhere else. Guys, here s the bottom line You are the CEO of your own company Call it Your Name s Forex Trading Company if you will But you are definitely the CEO This company has the chance to be a multi-million dollar company You truly own a multi-million dollar company of course, yo u have to do the work, too, but the reality is, in my over 25 years of entrepreneurial and corporate business life, I ve NEVER seen a more real opportunity for such a low expense If the maximum expense 256 month for BOTH coaching and charts is not in the budget, you probably truly are not ready for the Forex And for those of you that question even this nominal expense, I ll be satisfied to know that when you go somewhere else to learn, where you ll be trading a 30-pip, 50-pip, even 100-pip stop-loss, that every time you make 1,000 there, you could have made 3,000 5,000 even 10,000 here with us, trading Shredder again, all things being equal, as illustrated above at this website When you look at in those terms, how much is 256 per month And is it really a cost, or is it the spark-plug that will generate much more income than you could make trading other systems. The Shredder Trader Program is only 2499 and includes. A series of live, instructor-led, real-time classes held throughout the m onth not just a model or strategy, but the real components of being a successful and profitable trader you can revisit any class as many times as desired during your trading tenure currently NINE 9 days of training 5 hours to 8 hours per class.24 7 365 access to the PAT PipClub Archived Training Library for the full-day classes. Lifetime access to our ongoing coaching and mentoring in our Online Coaching Rooms OCR s. Lifetime 24 7 access to the PAT-OCR for recorded daily Online Coaching Room sessions.90-days of ProCharts - premium Forex charts with Shredder features, indicators, built into the native code.24 7 access to our closed PipClub Shredders Facebook Group - the gathering place for serious, advanced Shredders This is a bonus, guarantee It remains our option to provide charts and which charts. Lifetime access providing the ability for traders to submit their trades for review and see those trades reviewed either in our FB group or via recorded video coach s discretion and viewable 2 4 7.Lifetime access providing the ability for traders to submit any trader question 24 7, and have that question answered WHEN the trader desires recorded in video and accessible 24 7 to date, I believe we are the only Forex training company that provides this service or via our FB Group coach s discretion which is best for the trader and our trader community. Quite frankly, I ll challenge any trader to find a program that is more robust, more comprehensive, teaching a better trading system including consistency, having lower risk, and a higher return with more truly dedicated teacher-student interaction than you get with our Shredder Trader Program I personally have not seen anything close to what we are doing. If you really want to know more about me and how I think, here you go. More importantly, see what some of the traders I ve worked with have to say. Refund Policy By purchasing The ShredderFX Trader Program using the above purchase links, the customer hereby accepts the ShredderFX r efund Policy First and foremost, if the customer or trader has ANY hesitation regarding purchasing or commencing The ShredderFX Trader Program, they should NOT purchase the program We do not offer trial periods to test the waters with our program We are not interested in taking your money unless you are fully committed to being a student of a serious Forex academic and training program Because we provide complete access to all of our training from the time of purchase, the purchase price is we give you 100 of our training at the time of your purchase, we do not subsequenbtly do refunds DO NOT PURCHASE unless you want the ShredderFX trading program. Additionally, some customers will use credit cards for purchasing our program While we recognize some credit card companies provide refundable purchases for up to 30 to 60 or more days for tangible product, you, the customer WAIVE THAT RIGHT and accept our NO REFUND Policy By purchasing our program either with the Full Price Purchase or the P ayment Plan Purchase, you, the customer, hereby accepts the NO REFUND policy for the Program. Automatic Billing Full Price Purchasers will be billed 2499 at time of purchase. Payment Plans will be billed 1500 at time of purchase 30-days after purchase, the customer will be automatically billled via PayPal 100, and every 30-days thereafter for a total of twelve 12 100 payments. PayPal will bill you up to 3 times for the monthly payment If ALL three payments fail, you will have to contact to discuss how to regain acess to our program. Payment Plan Purchase - Acceptance of Financial Responsibility A payment plan option is provided merely to accommodate budgets and cash-flow We do not offer a trial with the first split payment purchase Accordingly, once the first payment is made, and prior to PayPal billing the second payment, if the trader wants to cancel their participation, they hereby understand and hereby accept that they are still obligated for the remaining payments If they cancel their monthly payment subscription with PayPal and do not make arrangements for the remaining payments, all reasonable efforts will be made to collect the debt, including but not limited to reporting the outstanding debt to standard consumer credit reporting agencies, use of collection agencies, collection attorneys, etc Bottom line, do not use the payment plan option as a 1500 trial, or 499 trial that s not what it is You, the customer, fully understand you are obligated for the full 2700 regardless of using the payment plan purchase option or cancelling with PayPal prior to the second payment being collected. Risk Warning Trading foreign exchange on margin carries a high level of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors Past performance is not indicative of future results The high degree of leverage can work against you as well as for you Before deciding to invest in foreign exchange you should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience, and risk appetite The possibility exists that you could sustain a loss of some or all of your initial investment and therefore you should not invest money that you cannot afford to lose You should be aware of all the risks associated with foreign exchange trading, and seek advice from an independent financial advisor if you have any doubts All information posted on this website is of our opinion and the opinion of our visitors, and may not reflect the truth Please use your own good judgment and seek advice from a qualified consultant, before believing and accepting any information posted on this website. HYPOTHETICAL PERFORMANCE RESULTS HAVE MANY INHERENT LIMITATIONS, SOME OF WHICH ARE DESCRIBED BELOW NO REPRESENTATION IS BEING MADE THAT ANY ACCOUNT WILL OR IS LIKELY TO ACHIEVE PROFITS OR LOSSES SIMILAR TO THOSE SHOWN IN FACT, THERE ARE FREQUENTLY SHARP DIFFERENCES BETWEEN HYPOTHETICAL PERFORMANCE RESULTS AND THE ACTUAL RESULTS SUBSEQUENTLY ACHIEVED BY ANY PARTICULAR TRADING PROGRAM. ONE OF THE LIMITATIONS O F HYPOTHETICAL PERFORMANCE RESULTS IS THAT THEY ARE GENERALLY PREPARED WITH THE BENEFIT OF HINDSIGHT IN ADDITION, HYPOTHETICAL TRADING DOES NOT INVOLVE FINANCIAL RISK, AND NO HYPOTHETICAL TRADING RECORD CAN COMPLETELY ACCOUNT FOR THE IMPACT OF FINANCIAL RISK IN ACTUAL TRADING FOR EXAMPLE, THE ABILITY TO WITHSTAND LOSSES OR TO ADHERE TO A PARTICULAR TRADING PROGRAM IN SPITE OF TRADING LOSSES ARE MATERIAL POINTS WHICH CAN ALSO ADVERSELY AFFECT ACTUAL TRADING RESULTS THERE ARE NUMEROUS OTHER FACTORS RELATED TO THE MARKETS IN GENERAL OR TO THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ANY SPECIFIC TRADING PROGRAM WHICH CANNOT BE FULLY ACCOUNTED FOR IN THE PREPARATION OF HYPOTHETICAL PERFORMANCE RESULTS AND ALL OF WHICH CAN ADVERSELY AFFECT ACTUAL TRADING RESULTS.

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